24 January, 2025


Seniors. Round 2 of the winter league, 34 seniors put their tallies up (only 33 in the competition) despite the recent rain the course was still fine. Cold start and overcast but no rain thankfully. Thank you for marking individual cards, it made checking the scores at the end easier, especially as scores were tight, 6 people on the same score which took some working out. Thanks to Mike for double checking my arithmetic. so can we carry on with individual cards for the next rounds please. Result. 1st Steve Graham 24 points. 10 winter league points. 2nd Michael McHugh 20 points. 9 winter league points. 3rd Peter Taylor 19 points. 8 winter league points. 4th Ernie Williams 18 points c/b. 7 winter league points. 5th Chris Bladell 18 points c/b. 6 winter league points. 6th Don Wraight 18 points c/b. 5 winter league points. Tied 7th & 8th. Paul Cheetham / Richard Collier 18 points c/b. 3.5 winter league points each. 9th Eric Thwaites 18 points. 2 winter league points. 10th Paul Wallace-Jones 16 points c/b. 1 winter league point. Well done to everyone, especially the great score from Steve and Michael, the down side for these two is I'm afraid you loose shots for the next round of the competition. As agreed with the committee last year anyone scoring over par looses 1 shot for every 2 points over par. So Steve I'm afraid you loose 3 shots, Michael 1 shot. These shots are taken of your club handicap and then 95% of that. THIS IS ONLY FOR THE WINTER LEAGUE COMPETITION, your normal handicap applies to all other competitions.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...