11 November, 2022

Ken Lawrence Memorial Trophy November 10th 2022. Report via Mike Healey

Another good day in our calendar. The Ken Lawrence Memorial Trophy is held every year for the above named man and indeed, a member who was a stalwart, general organiser within the section and ex-senior Captain. Not only is Ken remembered but it is also a great opportunity for seniors to honour the 11th November and donations are invited and made to the Royal British Legion in lieu of a competition fee. On this occasion the senior section not only competed for the Trophy but also very generously raised the sum of £382.00. A big thank you to all. If you didn't play today and would still like to donate to this very worthy cause, you can leave donations in reception (in an envelope) F. A. O. Steve Monk with DONATION TO ROYAL BRITISH LEGION written on it. He will collect any/all donations next week. And so to the competition itself and result. 34 seniors entered the tally draw, which was essentially an individual stableford. The second hole was still closed due to maintenance and despite being quite warm throughout, we all fought a howling gale, which definitely influenced the scores. There were 10 cards with 30 - 36 points but we only ever have one winner for this event. With the top score of 37 points the recipient of the K.L. Memorial Trophy plus a bottle of Auchentoshan malt whisky was the aforesaid man above - Steve Monk himself. Well done Steve. Photo courtesy of Don Wraight Club Captain

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...