09 November, 2022

Captains Newsletter November 2022

Captain's Newsletter: November 2022 Hi everyone hope that you are as excited as me with the introduction to Intelligent Golf. Clays have now fully migrated to IG from HDID, if you still have the HDID app on your phone, tablet or any other device then please remove as it is no longer in use for our club. Having a complete guide to the IG system, I and the rest of the council can see how well we can progress with the running of competitions in the future. There may well be blips to start with as we get used to inputting comps and scores but these will be ironed out and by the time the 2023 season starts all members should see the benefits, and be comfortable with the system. Players will now be able to sign-up online to play in competitions and knock-outs without the need to enter on noticeboards. They can see the draws in the regards to knock-outs and when the various rounds need to be played by, best of all their progress in the knock-outs. I will update you on how payments for entering these competitions next month, so keep a lookout. In quoting Michael Buble’ “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” Turkey trots are commencing and the Ladies tinsel trails are starting too. Good luck to all those taking part On the 9th December we have a Members Christmas Party in the club house; tickets are on sale with Hayley. There will be a buffet and a disco with a variety of music for all ages, young and old, all for the price of £10 per person. Get your tickets quick as there will be a limit on catering for this event. We had lots of fun last year and I for one am looking forward to get my dancing shoes on once again. Let’s get this place rocking!!! Our course is holding up pretty well with all the rain that’s been put upon us, something I suppose we had to expect after such a long dry spell. Please be mindful with the green staff, they are doing a great job. Help them out by repairing your pitch marks on the green and raking bunkers after use. Be aware too by keeping away from the greens and tees with trollies. Happy golfing Don

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