21 October, 2021

Seniors Individual Stableford . Report from Mike Healey October 21st 2021

The promised sunshine arrived although the temperature remained very much on the cool side. Following 4/5 days of rain, the fairways were sticky, golf balls not travelling through the air and no bounce at all on the fairways. To compound matters, the trees have shed most of their leaves leaving vast areas of the course covered and necessitating frequent searches, even on the fairways. There was a discussion following the competition, concerning course length - reduced fairways and with hindsight, it was declared a non-qualifier. Enough excuses - our Individual Stableford was not particularly well scored but there was plenty of competition at the top nevertheless. Forty Seniors took part in the Individual Stableford and the result was as follows: Individual Stableford First: Peter Thomas 36 points £10.00 Second: Ken Tieszen 34 points (c/b) £8.00 Third: Cliff Davies 34 points (c/b) £7.00 Fourth: Ernie Williams 34 points (c/b) £6.00 Fifth: Dave Palferman 33 points (c/b) £4.00 Sixth: Alan Barnsdale 33 points (c/b) £3.00 Seventh: Nigel Davies 33 points (c/b) £2.00

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...