20 October, 2021

Golf report Tuesday October 18th 2021. Results kindly sent by Mike Healey

You have probably already guessed what happened with the golf today?! A dozen hardy souls turned up at the said time, supposedly for the Tango competition but alas, most of us took a rain check - literally!! Caps off to Mick Carnell, Colin Evans and Bob Brown who ventured forth into the elements, aiming to play at least nine holes - result still to be announced as below. . The rest of the arrivals greeted Hayley back into the clubhouse and settled for Bacon Butties and coffee. The rain became lighter and the three brave-hearts that went out completed 18 holes. Mick Carnell was the eventual winner with 32 points.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...