27 August, 2019

Seniors Stableford Qualifier August 27th 2019

 The results of the 2's competition are as follows courtesy of Peter Bowen:-

37 members took part. There were 5 winners namely Russ Adamson on the 5th and 12th. Nigel Davies and Colin Brown on the 5th. In addition Malcolm Williams carded a 2 on the 5th as well as a 3 on the 4th!!

Malcolm sent Derek this report about his 3 on the 4th

"Quite bizarre, really! I was having a dreadful round (started at the 14th) and hit my tee shot on the 4th too near the trees on the left hand side and so had to chip on to the fairway over the edge of the trees. I then used an 8 iron to chip on to the green, hopefully! It bounced twice and then amazingly dropped into the hole!! "

Main results. First 10 only below. Remaining full results can be found on Clays Website.

  1. Peter Taylor  42 pts
  2. Mike Hollings 39 pts
  3. Ralph Howard 37 pts
  4. Don Wraight (Seniors Captain) 37 pts
  5. Richard Key 36 pts
  6. Russ Adamson 35 pts
  7. Nigel Harris 34 pts
  8. Mike Healey 33 pts
  9. Chris Jacques  33 pts
  10. Mike Parks 33 pts

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...