29 August, 2019

Captains Newsletter August 2019

Nigel's latest Captains Newsletter is now available online...


Captain’s Newsletter : August 2019

Dear Member of Clays Golf Club

Gareth Roberts, Club President, hosted a successful President’s Day on Saturday, 24th August which comprised a shotgun start competition and prize giving. Congratulations to all of the prize winners, who are listed below in the “Results” section. Gareth is also delighted to report that the excellent sum of £126 was raised on the day for the Captains’ charity.

The Club Council have produced a New Members Welcome Pack which will be incorporated into the information that is given by management to any new members of Clays. If you would like a copy of the document, which contains information about the various sections of our club, obtaining/reinstating handicaps, club levies etc, then please let me know and I’ll email you a copy.

Over the next few weeks, members will be made aware of quite a number of changes that will be happening regarding the course. These will include new official course measurements from the various tees and alterations to some of the Stroke Indices, based on the difficulty of each hole as evidenced over the last two years using the HowDidIDo data. In addition, there will be revised wording of the local rules; e.g. the Red Penalty Areas that can be found on some holes. The Red Penalty Areas to the right of the 3rd and to the right of the 4th will be removed and we will look to mark more clearly with red posts and lines the remaining Red Penalty Areas to the left of the 4th, 5th , 13th and 15th. The Drop Zones on the 5th and 17th will be maintained and a Drop Zone on the 2nd will be introduced. The recent members’ survey also formed part of the discussion regarding the course – many thanks to those members who responded. Course maintenance is provisionally scheduled in for w/b Monday 23rd September. Please note that the Greenkeeping Staff will have full priority whilst they carry out this essential work on our course.

Before moving on to other items, could I please ask that members ensure that player safety is taken into account at all times? For example, signs are to be placed on the 13th regarding dangerous play when people are driving off from the 13th tee and possibly endangering either players who are still on the green or are on the 12th fairway. Also, care must be taken when playing in a mixed group when white/yellow and red tees are being used. Thank you.

The Council have also decided, based on the number of entrants in each division, to change the Handicap Divisions for Club/WG Medal competitions. The new divisions will be :
Division 1 :     up to and including 12 Handicap
            Division 2 :     13 to 18 inclusive
            Division 3 :     18+

I would like to give an update regarding the forthcoming Charity Day on Sunday, 13th October : We have almost completed raising sponsorship for all 18 tees and the £900 total prize money and we would now like to maximise the number of teams to play on the day. If you would like to put a team together, tee times can be booked in Reception. Payment can either be made by cheque or via bank transfer. Please contact me if you would like more details. Just a reminder that all of the money raised on the day will go towards the purchase of a new Cryotherapy machine for invasive prostate cancer treatment at the Maelor Hospital.

Finally, best wishes to all of the participants in the Honours Board Finals on the 7th and 8th September.

Have a good month’s golf.

Nigel Davies                                                                                       nigeldavies78@gmail.com
Club Captain                                                                                      
Club News :

Further congratulations to the Clays Ping Mixed Team (Don Wraight, Christine Evans, Dawn Thompson Byrne, Dave Riley, Jane Evans and Graham Davidson Clarke) on a great achievement to have reached the Finals Day of the Ping Wales Knockout Competition after beating Dinas Powis GC from Cardiff in the quarterfinal at Builth Wells recently. The semifinals and final will both be played at Cotterill Park, Cardiff on 30th September. I am sure that you will join me in offering them our best wishes for the day.

Clays hosted the DGU County Captains Day recently and it was again gratifying to hear so many positive comments regarding the course and club overall from visiting players.
Many congratulations to the following Clays members on their brilliant success on the day :
Richard Collier:          County Captains Day 2nd overall
Iqbal Shergill:                         County Captains Day 3rd overall
Mike Jones:                 County Champion (H’Cap 6-16)
Patrick Whelan:          County Champion (H’Cap 17+)
Dave Riley:                 County Senior Scratch Champion

Dave Palferman, our Vice Captain, reports that the Clays DGU League Team made it three out of three wins with a convincing 6:2 win against Llangollen at home. If Clays can avoid defeat away at Old Colwyn on 1st September then we will be Division 1 Champions once again.  Fingers crossed for the team!

Clays now have one remaining pair in the DGU Jubilee Plate Knockout Competition,  Martin Povey & Tom Peirce, who now have a home draw against a pair from Denbigh GC to be played before 9th September.  Best wishes to Martin and Tom for the next round.

The Social Events calendar has been revised and we now have just three events before the end of the year :
19th October               Cheese & Wine evening with Quiz    Ticket price = £12

23rd November            Curry & Quiz Night :  Ticket price = £8 pp

6th December               Christmas Party (Buffet and Disco)   Ticket price = £12 pp
All of the above are payable in advance in order to help Hayley’s catering arrangements with tickets available from Reception. It would be very much appreciated if as many members as possible supported the above events.

Don Wraight, Seniors Captain, reports that a very successful Seniors Open was held at Clays on 8th August.
Some 112 players took part, 53 Clays members and 59 visitors from a range of other clubs including Malkins Bank, Shrewsbury, Henlle, Old Padeswood, Padeswood and Buckley, Moss Valley, Wallasey, Warren, Hoylake and 4 visitors from Southerness in Scotland, their 2nd visit to our club.
All of the above gave great feedback on the day and commented on what a fantastic course Clays has become. Clubs that participated have been emailed and thanked for their support and invited to the 2020 event, when it’s published.
Winners           Stewart Poole/ Damien Atkin (Clays)            46pts
2nd                   Terry Dodd / Gary Owen (Henlle)                 41pts
3rd                    Nigel Harris / Bob Jarvis (Clays)                   41pts
Nearest the Pin on 5th              Peter Watkins ( Shrewsbury)
Nearest the line on 10th           Alan Barnsdale (Clays )
Nearest the Pin in 2 on 18th    Duncan Lowndes ( Shrewsbury)

A big thanks to Russ Adamson who was on the 1st tee seeing players off and to the Seniors committee for their administration for the day.

Josh reports that there are 3 lockers still available for hire and also that trolleys can now be stored securely in the locker room for an additional charge.

The Seniors played a home match v Aldersey Green but unfortunately lost 2 ½ - 4 ½

Congratulations to the Clays Ladies Team recently had a Home win against St. Deiniol GC, Bangor.

From now on, a competition will be made available for entry on each Wednesday, either the existing Mid Week Club Medal, other current qualifying competitions (including Ladies Honours Board events) or a Shop Stableford competition.

The complete rebuilding of the 11th green, planned for the Autumn, is still due to go ahead as arranged.

Dave Palferman, Vice Captain, is organising a Team Day for Sunday, 15th September whereby members of the Men’s, Ladies and Seniors sections can take part in a mixed competition with members of the Scratch Team. This is an excellent opportunity to get to know other members of our club who you may not have played with before. If you are able to play, please put your name down on the sign up sheet on the noticeboard in the foyer.

Club Results :

Congratulations to those members listed below on their recent golfing success.

Club Championship
Day 1
1st        Paul Lloyd                  2nd       Keith Jones
Day 2
1st        Paul Lloyd                  2nd       Neil Owen
(Great performance Paul!)

Seniors August Medal :
Division 1 :
1st           Malcolm Williams                2nd       Martin Povey                    
Division 2 :
1st            Harold Hughes                    2nd       Keith Hawthorn  

Thursday 1st August : Seniors 9 Hole Qualifier:
1st            Irwin Elkin                          2nd       Michael Parks      

Club August Medal :
Division  1 :
1st        Josh Green                  2nd       Craig Yarwood          
Division 2 :
1st        Eddie Tudor                2nd      Gareth Roberts
Division 3 :
            1st        Richard Key                2nd       Harold Hughes

Midweek Medal 14th August :
1st        Iwan Bonds                 2nd       Josh Green

Ladies Fan Jones Trophy
1st        Christine Evans           2nd       Marian Williams

Neil Harden Memorial Trophy
1st        Mike Jones                  2nd       Alex Darlington

Mixed Jubilee Plate
1st        R. Peacock / P. Peacock         2nd       S. Powell / A. Thomas-Williams       

Seniors Two Day Stableford Challenge
Day 1 :
Division 1
1st        Alan Bottomley  33 points      2nd       Martin Povey  31 points
Division 2
1st        Dilly Jones  34 points             2nd       Fred Court 32 points

Day 2 :
Division 1
1st        Colin Brown  33 points           2nd       Reg Peacock  32 points
Division 2
1st        Dilly Jones  35 points             2nd       Stewart Poole  34 points

            Overall Result :
Division 1 
1st        Alan Bottomley 64 pts            2nd       Martin Povey  63 pts
Division 2
1st        Dilly Jones  69 pts                  2nd       Stewart Poole 65 pts

Seniors DJ Bogie
1st        Damian Atkin                         2nd       George Hughes

Welsh Dragon Brooch
1st        Julie Hanmer Price                  2nd       Shan Stapley

President’s Day
Men :
1st        Mike Jones                              2nd       Mike Hollings
Ladies :
1st        Christine Evans                       2nd       Gaynor Gee


Dates for Your Diary :

1st September                    DGU League Team v Old Colwyn (Away)

3rd September                    Seniors v Holywell (Home)

4th September                    Ladies Midweek Stableford Qualifier

5th September                    Seniors Medal

7th/8th September            Honours Board Finals Day(s)

11th September                 Ladies Allington Hughes Salver
                                                Club/WG Midweek Medal

15th September                 Team Day (sign up sheet on noticeboard in foyer)

17th September                 Seniors v Hawarden (Home)

21st September                  Club/WG Monthly Medal

                                                Quarterly Medal

22nd September                 DGU Autumn Meeting @ Llangollen GC

24th September                 Seniors Stableford Qualifier

26th September                 Seniors v Mold (Away)

2nd October                         Ladies Midweek Stableford Qualifier

3rd October                         Seniors Medal

5th October                         Club/WG Monthly Medal

13th October    Charity Day for Prostate Cancer

Upcoming Social Events

23rd November
Curry & Quiz
£8 (payable in advance)
Tickets available from Reception

6th December
Christmas Party!
Buffet & Disco
£12 (payable in advance)
Tickets available from Reception

19th October
Cheese & Wine
£12 (payable in advance)
Tickets available from Reception

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...