24 August, 2019

Golf rule via Fred August 2019

21st August 2019. Penalty relief area; Penalty relief of two club lengths is well known under the old rules and seems to cause some confusion due to changes introduced by the new rules 2019.
As with the old rules the new version permits a two club relief from the position of a ball deemed unplayable. The arc formed by a two club radius from the ball position (not nearer the hole) forming a “D” has been given the identity of “Relief Area” The diagram attempts to highlight the difference between the old and new rules.
Under the new rules the area marked green is the relief area into which the ball must be dropped; the ball must also come to rest within this relief area.
This differs greatly with the old rules which I try to explain in the example sketch diagram, As with the new rules the dropped ball was required to strike the ground within the penalty area, but would be allowed to come to rest within two club lengths from the drop ground contact position no nearer the hole;- The Red area in the diagram, this option is no longer allowed so Under the new rules, I repeat the dropped ball must strike the ground and also come to rest within the relief area. Sheriff

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...