30 November, 2018

Seniors events December 2018



Tuesday Dec 4th    
9-Hole Texas Scramble followed by A.G.M. at approx. 12 noon.
Please make every effort to be at the AGM - Thanks
Thursday Dec 6th   
DECEMBER ‘MEDAL’ (Stableford, Yellow Tees)
Draw is on Club Website Booking Page
Tuesday Dec 11th        
9-Hole Texas Scramble followed at approx 1.30 p.m. by


Cost £15 to include comp fee and party; liquid prizes; Xmas dinner; free wine at table; free draw for those who have paid their subs in advance;
great company.
Dress Code – Jacket and Tie
Thursday Dec 13th    
This is to enable us to sample a game under the new rules. It would be useful to look these up before the game!
Tuesday Dec 18th    

Thursday Dec 20th     
You can choose any 3 clubs plus your putter, so a maximum of 4 clubs in your bag
Individual Stableford
Tuesday Dec 25th    
So stop thinking about golf!!

Thursday Dec 27th   
‘9 x 3’ PLUS ‘9 X 2’

Tuesday Jan 1st  
If you want to play today, book your own tee if available
Thursday Jan 3rd  
Entries via usual notice on board.

More golf rules from Fred November 30th 2018

More golf rules from Fred

Sheriffs Blog 30/11/2018. Rule 7.4 covers the accidental moving of the ball during a search or identification. Provided the ball is replaced to its original or estimated original position there is no penalty for moving the ball, breaching this rule however does earns a general penalty.
Rule 10.1b covers the anchoring the club, except anchoring a club against the forearm a player  shall not anchor a club against any part of the body nor indirectly by anchoring a forearm against the body to create a stable point for the swing.
Rule 13.2a covers leaving the flagstick in the hole. This rule gives the player an option to leave the flagstick in the hole when putting.
However this rule requires a good read as there are new situations which will give a player penalty strokes avoidable if the player sticks to their choice to {1} leave the flagstick in the hole; {2} have the flag attended; or {3} have the flag removed

November 29th 2018 no kitty competition

Despite the wind and rain over the last couple of days, we're pleased to inform you that the course is standing up well and is OPEN today 29th November 

The 2nd and 11th holes are on temps but the rest of the greens are open for play.

As you will appreciate the ground is wet in places and therefore BUGGIES WILL NOT BE ALLOWED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.

The range, bar and restaurant are open as normal and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Golf Reception Team 

I understand no one from the Seniors went out for the kitty competition.

29 November, 2018

Golf rules via Fred November 29th 2018

Sheriff’s Blog 29/11/18 with reference to your testing a game against the new rules will be difficult unless members read the new rule book.
For example, the rules have introduced some new terminologies such as “Penalty area” and “Relief area”. My understanding is a “Penalty area” includes water hazards and any area marked by the committee as a penalty area. There has been subtle changes to the rules for example on playing a provisional ball which basically remain as before but have exceptions to obscure water hazards and allows a player new options previously not permitted, see rule 18.3 provisional ball; Relief Area.
So what is a relief area?
Free relief; If you mark the position for your ball to established the nearest point of relief when taking a free drop under a relevant ruling.
The relief area is the “D” shaped semi circle or quadrant area around this ball position, scribed by a radius of one club length arc, none of this area shall be nearer the hole than the reference point of relief marked.
In all cases the ball can no longer be dropped from Shoulder height, it shall be dropped from Knee height, the definition of knee height is the height of your knee when standing upright, you cannot squat and lower your knee height to drop the ball from a lower position. The ball when dropped correctly must strike the ground and also come to rest within the relief area. This is a change from the ball bouncing up to two club lengths not nearer the hole.

In the case of an unplayable ball there is another change if you take the option of measuring two club-lengths from the ball.
Previously we measured from the ball two club lengths then dropped the ball which could bounce up to two club lengths not nearer the hole.
Under the new rules, the relief area for a ball unplayable is the “D” shaped semi circle area around the unplayable position of the ball, not nearer the hole as scribed by a radius of two club-lengths around that position, even though much of the relief area may offer a further unplayable position, making an additional drop possible should you continue with this option or you may take one of the other two options available, {1} back on the line or {2} stroke and distance in these two cases the relief area changes back to a one club length arc.  
This may have confused you enough for now. Sheriff

27 November, 2018

Second round of Seniors Winter League November 27th 2018

Thank you to Steve Monk for supplying the following report.

Today was the 2nd round of the Seniors Winter League. 34 players turned up to compete and started off in very cold but dry conditions. After the first hour the weather turned wet and shortly afterwards it was pouring down with rain. Some players decided to abandon their rounds and return to the warm clubhouse but around 30 players completed although they were mostly very wet and very cold. Considering the weather there were some creditable scores recorded and the results were as follows - 

1st - scoring 10 points in the league, Alan Bottomley with 38 stableford points.
2nd - 9 points, Dave Palferman with 34.
3rd - 8 points, Reg Peacock with 33.
4th - 7 points, Tony Owens with 31.
5th - 6 points, Dilly Jones also with 31.
6th - 5 points, Harold Hughes also with 31.
7th - 4 points, Andy Mitchell with 30.
8th - 3 points, Martin Povey also with 30.
9th - 2 points, Steve Monk also with 30.
10th - 1 point, Keith Hawthorn also with 30.

Players with identical scored were separated by the usual countback method.

22 November, 2018

Yellow Ball November 22nd 2018

Thanks to Nigel Davies for sending in these results. Derek was tucked up warm in bed when the lads teed off!!

27 Seniors turned up on a cold, crisp morning to play a Yellow Ball competition.

Results as follows :

1st  Alan Bottomley, Alan Barnsdale and Bob Jarvis   132pts

2nd  Keith Hawthorn, Tony Owens and Don Wraight   129pts

3rd   Andrew Mitchell, Peter Fey and Steve Beech   126pts

20 November, 2018

Pairs betterball November 20th 2018

What a cold and damp day today. Results as follows

We had 41 players today but managed to make up 21 pairs by using one player to play for two different pairs. Pairs betterball was the format and I think most players managed to be back in the clubhouse before the heavy rain started. Results were:

1st - Andy Mitchell and Tony Jackson, with 44 points. (Back 9 = 24)

2nd - Chris Jacques and Steve Monk, also with 44 points. (Back 9 = 22)

3rd - Don Wraight and Malcolm Williams with 43 points.

4th - Tom McGrady and Dave Palferman with 41 points. (Back 9 = 21)

5th - Graham Bryne and Mike Kalka also with 41 points. (Back 9 = 19)

15 November, 2018

Texas scramble November 15th 2018

Today the event was played with teams of 3 and teams of 4. Each team had to have 3 drives per person.

Results as follows:-

  1. Keith Jones, Bill Kelleher and Malcolm Williams  55.1  This team had a 2 on the 2nd hole, a 2 on the 5th, a 3 on the 16th a 2 on the 12th
  2. Mike Ryan, Alan Bottomley, Colin Brown and Noel Jones  59.1
  3. Andrew Mitchell, Chris Jaques, Dave Palferman and Roy Jordan 60.3

Some videos and photos taken on the day below

Don Wraight's practice swing on 10th fairway

Don lining up to take his 2nd shot on the 10th

View down 11th fairway

Large tree to left of 11th fairway

Dave F Jones follow threw on 11th fairway

Below Don taking the 2nd shot to 11th green. His ball finished on the green about 15 metres beyond the flag. However Stewart Poole stuck his shot pin high to the right of the pin and his ball was the one used for his team's 3rd shot.

13 November, 2018

Winter League round one November 13th 2018

Thank you to Steve Monk for the following results:-

Today was the 1st round of this season's Winter League. 45 members completed 18 holes of an individual stableford competition, the course still being in good condition for the time of year. As previously, at each of the six rounds held during the winter, the winner receives 10 league points, 2nd receives 9 points, and so on until the 10th ranked player receives 1 point. All points earned in the 6 rounds are totalled, and at the end of the 6th round, the player with the most points wins the whole event.

Today's results were:

1st - with a score of 37 stableford points, Stewart Poole, earning 10 league points.
2nd -  also with 37 on countback, Martin Povey, 9 points.
3rd - with 36, Dave F Jones, 8 points.
4th - also with 36 on countback, Dilly Jones, 7 points.
5th - with 35, Cliff Davies, 6 points.
6th - with 33, Alan Barnsdale, 5 points.
7th - also with 33 on countback, Mike Ryan, 4 points.
8th - with 32, Harold Hughes, 3 points.
9th - with 31, Dave Palferman, 2 points.
10th - also with 31 on countback, Mick Carnell, 1 point.

 See below a photo courtesy of Mike Parks showing Peter Bowen playing his 2nd shot on the 13th

08 November, 2018

Ken Lawrence Memorial Trophy and Poppy competition November 8th 2018

This popular annual event originally developed by the late Seniors Captain Ken Lawrence attracted 37 Seniors today with all proceeds going in aid of the Royal British Legion. A total of £310 was raised comprising entrance fees and raffle monies.

The winner today was Mike Carnell with a very creditable 36 points.....19 on front 9 and 17 on back nine.

2 of Ken's daughters Cathy and Sandra attended to present the Trophy along with Don Wraight, Seniors Captain.

Stewart Poole had a disaster on the 2nd hole. His first ball disappeared into the deep ditch to the left of the hole. He took a provisional and then proceeded to try and find his original! That he did but before he could retrieve it and take a 2 club length drop he managed to get badly scratched by brambles. The photos shows Stewart scrambling for his ball!!

06 November, 2018

Seniors 9X3 and 9x2 plus including a hole in one by Richard Key

47 Seniors played today in very Autumnal conditions with leaves everywhere making finding one's ball difficult at times.
The day was marked by an ace at the 2nd hole by Richard Key. He played a 7 iron on the 143 yard hole.This was his 3rd hole in one of his golfing career. Others being another one at Clays and one at Wrexham. Well done Richard!

Results for today below:-

  1. Richard Key, Martin Povey, Mike Parks and Chris Jacques  108 points
  2. Colin Evans, Dilly Jones, Keith Jones and Graham Bryne 105 points
  3. Peter Fraser, Mike Healey, Alan Barnsdale and Mike Drake 102 points

Some photos and videos of the day below.

Chris Jacques on 8th fairway- photo courtesy of Mike Parks
Derek Stewart Bill and Keith started on the 3rd  tee
Bill Kelleher driving off 7th tee
Beautiful view up 10th fairway
Just look at all the leaves on 16th fairway looking towards pond on 17th
Stewart Poole driving off the 15th tee
Lovely autumn colours down 1st fairway
Keith Hawthorn taking his 2nd shot down 1st fairway

Richard Key after his ace on the 2nd-photo courtesy of Mike Parkes

Below Keith Hawthorn driving down the 7th

Below Stewart Poole driving down the 7th

05 November, 2018

Golf Rules information from Fred November 5th 2018

Sheriff’s Bog November 5th, bonfire night! Don’t get blown up or overheated because the revised golf rules start in January.
The rules have been modernised and reduced from 33 down to 24 and laid out in sections.
Section 1, titled “Fundamentals of the game this section is covered by rules 1-4 (Rule 1- The Game, Player conduct and the rules; Rule 2- The Course; Rule 3- The Competition and Rule 4-The Players equipment).
Section 2, titled “Playing the Round and a Hole” this section is covered by rules 5-6 (Rule 5- Playing the round; Rule 6- Playing the Hole)
Section 3, titled “Playing the Ball” this section is covered by rules 7-11 (Rule 7- Ball search, Finding and Identifying Ball; Rule 8- Course played as it is found; Rule 9- Ball played as it lies, Ball at rest Lifted or moved; Rule 10-preparing for and Making a Stroke, Advice and Help, Caddies; Rule 11- Ball in Motion
Section 4, titled “Specific Rules for Bunkers and Putting Greens” this section is covered by rules 12-13 (Rule 12- Bunkers; Rule 13- Putting Green;
Section 5, “Lifting and returning a Ball to Play” is covered by rule 14.
Section 6, “Free Relief” is covered by rules 15-16 (Rule 15- Relief from loose Impediments and Movable Obstructions; Rule 16- Relief from Abnormal Course Conditions;
Section 7, “Penalty Relief” this section is covered by rules 17-19 (Rule 17- Penalty areas; Rule 18- Stroke and Distance Relief, Ball lost or out of Bounds, Provisional ball; Rule 19- Unplayable ball.
Section 8, “Procedures for Players and Committee” are covered by Rules 20-24

Any questions?

01 November, 2018

Seniors Stableford Medal and 9 hole stableford Qualifier November 1st 2018

In the 9 hole competition there were 6 players and results as follows:-

1. Clifford Davies 14 points and that with blobs on 1st 3 holes
2. Bill Hughes 13 points
3. Irwin Elkin 12 points
4. Peter Fey 11 points
5. Derek Lyon 10 points
6. Ray Jones 6 points

Results of the 18 hole competition below

Division one

  1. Don Wraight  42 points
  2. Bill Kelleher 35 points
  3. Reg Peacock 33 points
  4. Dave Palferman  33 points
  5. Mike Carnell 33 points
  6. Andrew Mitchell 28 points

Division two

  1. Michael Ryan 37 points
  2. Stewart Poole 35 points
  3. Graham Bryne  35 points
  4. Keith Jones  33 points
  5. Maelor Davies 32 points
  6. Mike Healey 32 points


Seniors. Round 5 of the winter league, so far so good with the weather. 41 seniors put their tallies up for the penultimate round and despit...