08 November, 2018

Ken Lawrence Memorial Trophy and Poppy competition November 8th 2018

This popular annual event originally developed by the late Seniors Captain Ken Lawrence attracted 37 Seniors today with all proceeds going in aid of the Royal British Legion. A total of £310 was raised comprising entrance fees and raffle monies.

The winner today was Mike Carnell with a very creditable 36 points.....19 on front 9 and 17 on back nine.

2 of Ken's daughters Cathy and Sandra attended to present the Trophy along with Don Wraight, Seniors Captain.

Stewart Poole had a disaster on the 2nd hole. His first ball disappeared into the deep ditch to the left of the hole. He took a provisional and then proceeded to try and find his original! That he did but before he could retrieve it and take a 2 club length drop he managed to get badly scratched by brambles. The photos shows Stewart scrambling for his ball!!

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...