05 November, 2018

Golf Rules information from Fred November 5th 2018

Sheriff’s Bog November 5th, bonfire night! Don’t get blown up or overheated because the revised golf rules start in January.
The rules have been modernised and reduced from 33 down to 24 and laid out in sections.
Section 1, titled “Fundamentals of the game this section is covered by rules 1-4 (Rule 1- The Game, Player conduct and the rules; Rule 2- The Course; Rule 3- The Competition and Rule 4-The Players equipment).
Section 2, titled “Playing the Round and a Hole” this section is covered by rules 5-6 (Rule 5- Playing the round; Rule 6- Playing the Hole)
Section 3, titled “Playing the Ball” this section is covered by rules 7-11 (Rule 7- Ball search, Finding and Identifying Ball; Rule 8- Course played as it is found; Rule 9- Ball played as it lies, Ball at rest Lifted or moved; Rule 10-preparing for and Making a Stroke, Advice and Help, Caddies; Rule 11- Ball in Motion
Section 4, titled “Specific Rules for Bunkers and Putting Greens” this section is covered by rules 12-13 (Rule 12- Bunkers; Rule 13- Putting Green;
Section 5, “Lifting and returning a Ball to Play” is covered by rule 14.
Section 6, “Free Relief” is covered by rules 15-16 (Rule 15- Relief from loose Impediments and Movable Obstructions; Rule 16- Relief from Abnormal Course Conditions;
Section 7, “Penalty Relief” this section is covered by rules 17-19 (Rule 17- Penalty areas; Rule 18- Stroke and Distance Relief, Ball lost or out of Bounds, Provisional ball; Rule 19- Unplayable ball.
Section 8, “Procedures for Players and Committee” are covered by Rules 20-24

Any questions?

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...