29 November, 2018

Golf rules via Fred November 29th 2018

Sheriff’s Blog 29/11/18 with reference to your testing a game against the new rules will be difficult unless members read the new rule book.
For example, the rules have introduced some new terminologies such as “Penalty area” and “Relief area”. My understanding is a “Penalty area” includes water hazards and any area marked by the committee as a penalty area. There has been subtle changes to the rules for example on playing a provisional ball which basically remain as before but have exceptions to obscure water hazards and allows a player new options previously not permitted, see rule 18.3 provisional ball; Relief Area.
So what is a relief area?
Free relief; If you mark the position for your ball to established the nearest point of relief when taking a free drop under a relevant ruling.
The relief area is the “D” shaped semi circle or quadrant area around this ball position, scribed by a radius of one club length arc, none of this area shall be nearer the hole than the reference point of relief marked.
In all cases the ball can no longer be dropped from Shoulder height, it shall be dropped from Knee height, the definition of knee height is the height of your knee when standing upright, you cannot squat and lower your knee height to drop the ball from a lower position. The ball when dropped correctly must strike the ground and also come to rest within the relief area. This is a change from the ball bouncing up to two club lengths not nearer the hole.

In the case of an unplayable ball there is another change if you take the option of measuring two club-lengths from the ball.
Previously we measured from the ball two club lengths then dropped the ball which could bounce up to two club lengths not nearer the hole.
Under the new rules, the relief area for a ball unplayable is the “D” shaped semi circle area around the unplayable position of the ball, not nearer the hole as scribed by a radius of two club-lengths around that position, even though much of the relief area may offer a further unplayable position, making an additional drop possible should you continue with this option or you may take one of the other two options available, {1} back on the line or {2} stroke and distance in these two cases the relief area changes back to a one club length arc.  
This may have confused you enough for now. Sheriff

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