30 November, 2016

Seniors events December 2016





Thursday Dec 1st  
(Yellow/Red Tees; Stableford)
Tee times on board – for late entries please see Don Wraight
Tuesday Dec 6th  
followed at 12 noon by

Thursday Dec 8th   

Tuesday Dec 13th
9-HOLE TEXAS SCRAMBLE Followed at 2.00 p.m. by
Normal dress code – ties and jackets.
Pre-food drinks from whenever you get to the bar!
Wine on tables.
Thursday Dec 15th

Tuesday Dec 20th  

Thursday Dec 22nd

Tuesday Dec 27th

Thursday Dec 29th  
It’s an individual stableford!
Tuesday Jan 3rd

Thursday Jan 5th
(Yellow/Red Tees; Stableford)
Entries in advance via sheet on board.

29 November, 2016

3 Clubs and a putter November 29th 2016

As we all woke up today to heavy frost one wondered...."should I go to golf?"

The temperature was only -2C as we met up at the club. However 46 Seniors played the event over 17 holes with the 2nd hole still closed.Work was being done to the bunkers today so it was decided to make all bunkers "ground under repair"

Derek took 18936 steps today which equates to 9.7 miles.....much of that taken up looking for other players golf balls! Plus the fact we started on the 14th...again!

46 players took part and results as follows:-

  1. Harold Hughes 36 points
  2. Dave Palferman 31 points
  3. Dilly Jones 30 points
  4. John Kelty 29 points
  5. Ron Roberts 29 points
  6. Mike Drake 28 points
  7. Nigel Harris 28 points
  8. Andrew Mitchell 27 points
In the 2's competition run by Cliff Evans, Dilly Jones was the only winner with a 2 on the 12th. He hit driver to the back of the green and then sunk a long putt of about 50 feet!

Leaves made finding balls somewhat difficult as well as loosing balls .......even using coloured balls!

Photos of the day below
Bill Hughes and John Kelty getting ready to tee off on the 15th

Looking into the sun up 15th fairway

Bill Hughes hit his 2nd shot onto the ice in the pond on the 17th

The 2 photos below are courtesy of Tom McGrady

24 November, 2016

Texas scramble November 24th 2016

50 Seniors turned out today.....the weather was good.....bright and sunny with temperature at 8C. The course was in good condition considering all the heavy rain we have had recently.

According to the step health app on  Derek's phone his team walked 8.68 miles today !!


1st - Russ Adamson, Maelor Davies, Peter Almond and Mike Griffiths with 56.1.

2nd - Andy Mitchell. Tony Owens, Brian Downes and Phil Hughes with 56.3.

3rd - Bill Hughes, Joe White, Peter Fraser and Bill Kelleher with 57.3.

After the results were announced by Reg Peacock our Seniors Captain Nigel Davies presented a cheque to Kevin Forbes the community fundraiser for the Royal British Legion (www.britishlegion.org.uk)  on behalf of the Seniors Section who this year raised £315. Kevin presented the seniors with a framed memento.

Below 2 photos taken at Caernarfon castle showing the poppies

Some photos taken today below

John Kelty about to take 2nd shot down the 16th

View towards the pond on the 16th

Barry Dare taking 2nd shot on the 16th

Video below of Barry Dare taking 2nd shot on the 16th

More photos below from Cliff Evans.......

Cliff Davies, Derek Lyon and Barry Dare on the 14th tee

22 November, 2016

Golf rule via Fred November 22nd 2016

Sheriff on Rules; November 22nd.
(a)   A player plays his tee shot from the first tee, it flights wayward to the left into the difficult terrain, and within the rules may he declare the ball lost.
The answer is: - No!.
See the definition of a lost ball. He may play a provisional ball then proceed forward to search for his 1st ball or declare his first ball unplayable and play three off the tee.

(b)   Preferred lies are in operation, before playing his second shot a player marks his ball position. Lift and cleans the ball then replaces it within 6 inches of the marker not nearer the hole.
    After waiting for his partner to play he addresses his ball reviews its position marks and takes relief as before. Upon completion of the hole he declares a score of 4. Should his marker accept this score?
The answer is No!
He took relief for which he was entitles but not entitled to a second relief before playing his ball. His score therefore should be recorded as 5 (4+1) See specimen of local rules 4c “preferred lies and winter rules.
Note:- When taking such permitted relief, failure to mark the ball before lifting will also be a 1 shot penalty.

This is an issue for which many fail to recognise be it the player and/or the marker for not applying the penalty.

Individual Stableford November 22nd 2016

The results from today kindly sent by Nigel Davies our Captain who indicated that the course held up well despite all the recent heavy rain. Only 15 members turned out today.

Individual Stableford.

1st Frank Rodenhurst  39 pts

2nd  Noel Jones 33 pts (countback)

3rd Andrew Mitchell  33 pts

4th  Nigel Harris 30 pts (countback)

All 15 members entered into the 2's  with two getting a 2 both on the 5th  hole
Frank Rodenhurst and Nigel Harris. Photo courtesy of Cliff Evans.

18 November, 2016

Pairs betterball kitty competition November 17th 2016

The following is a report from Steve. Glad I was away and did not attempt to play (Derek)

30 Seniors set off to play a Pairs Betterball kitty competition today in
cold, dry but threatening weather at 9.00a.m.
Two and a half hours later, those same 30, now soaked, cold and
bedraggled, decided to abandon play and a steady stream trooped back in
pouring rain and very high gusting winds to the very welcome warmth and
dry of the Clubhouse. After discarding their wet outer clothing and
shoes they gathered in the bar for warm drinks and food. Looking through
the windows they noticed that the rain had stopped and the sun was
shining. That's golf!!

In addition Cliff Evans had the only 2 of the day on the 5th and has kindly donated the winnings back to a future date.

15 November, 2016

Seniors 9 x 3 plus 9 x 2 November 15th 2016

Today was heavy going with overcast skies and the odd spot of rain. Cannot expect much more for mid November although the temperature was 14C.

Before the results were announced our Captain Nigel presented Stewart Poole with the Vets Trophy.

Event played with teams of 3 and teams of 4.
3 ball teams

  1. Ralph Hardy, Mike Perks and Colin Brown 68 points   on count back
  2. Noel Jones. Brian Downes and Irwin Elkin 68 points

4 ball teams
  1. Don Wraight, Rod Evans, Chris Jacques and Phil Morris  96 points
  2. Dave Palferman. Frank Rodenhurst, Peter Fraser and Joe White  89 points
In the 2's competition run by Cliff Evans there were 2 winners namely Malcolm Williams on the 12th hole and Chris Jacques on the 17th

Some photos taken on the day can be seen below

Seen near the 16th tee... Guess who's bag this is?

Bag belongs to the player taking his shot?

Here is the owner of that bag with his LFC hat on...any ideas yet

Here is the same guy having a double egg bap......got the name yet??

And here is our events organiser Steve announcing the winners. Great job you do Steve.

10 November, 2016

Ken Lawrence Memorial and Poppy Day Competition November 10th 2016

OUR CAPTAIN WHO RAN THE PROCEEDINGS! Nigel wishes to thank all those concerned in organising the day and those who donated raffle prizes which raised the wonderful sum of £315 and counting for the Royal British Legion.

What a day weather wise it was. Torrential rain on way to the Club and during the tally draw. Then the rain stopped as if by magic for us to play this competition. It then started to rain again as we finished. Ken must have been looking down on us all. The scores were low due I think to the playing conditions. The greens were very fast and it was difficult to judge the pace.

Ken's widow Shirley kindly came to present the prizes and help with drawing tickets in the raffle.

Results of the competition as follows:-

  1. Ralph Hardy  36 points
  2. Dave Palferman 34 points
  3. Colin Brown 32 points
Colin receiving 3rd prize

Dave receiving 2nd prize

The winner Ralph with the Ken Lawrence Trophy PLUS  a bottle !

Some superb raffle prizes were donated by members as can be seen below

Some photos taken on the course below

Looking down 3rd fairway

Trees on 9th fairway

Some photos below of some of the Seniors courtesy of Cliff Evans

08 November, 2016

Seniors Multiplier competition November 8th 2016

The weather forecast was due to be bad and cold which proved not to be so! Weather was cold but not like they said it was going to be.

37 members played a competition new to the seniors section, which we have called 'Multiplier'. 3 x 3 ball teams competed against each other and 7 x 4 ball teams. Irrespective of numbers in a team, the top 2 stableford scores at each hole are multiplied together to produce the team score for the hole.

Results in the 3-ball competition were:
1st - Maelor Davies, Dave Palferman and Chris Jacques with 88 points.

In the 4-ball competition:
1st - Irwin Elkin, Bob Brown, Peter Fey and Malcolm Williams with 123 points, on countback

2nd- Andy Mitchell, Ron Roberts, Reg Taylor and Harold Hughes, also with 123 points.

35 took part in the 2's  today  with three achieving two's
Andy Mitchell hole 5
Harold Hughes hole 12
and  Ron Roberts also on 12

Cliff Evans supplied the following photos from the day.....from 3rd fairway.

05 November, 2016

Seniors Winter Medal Stableford November 3rd 2016

Played over 18 holes on a very damp and cool day with the odd spot of rain.

Competition Scratch Score:
68 (37pts) (Men - Yellow Tees)
70 (37pts) (Ladies - Red Tees)

Division 1
1McGrady, Tom41 pts (18)Division 1 - Winner16.5
2Mitchell, Andrew38 pts (16)Division 1 - Runner-Up15.2
3Brown, Colin38 pts (18) 17.4
4Harcombe, Tony37 pts (15) 15.4
7Williams, Ernest36 pts (14) 13.7

Division 2
5Griffiths, Michael37 pts (22)Division 2 - Winner21.7
6Jarvis, Robert37 pts (21)Division 2 - Runner-Up20.9
8Lynch, Peter36 pts (21) 21.2
11Jordan, Roy34 pts (21) 20.5
14Pierce, Tom32 pts (21) 20.9
Peter Lynch almost had an ace on the 2nd hole using his 7 wood but had to settle for a 2!

01 November, 2016

Greensomes competition November 1st 2016

Played over 17 holes as 2nd still out of action.


1st Andrew Mitchell & Bill Kelleher  61 (back 9)

2nd Ron Roberts & Cliff Evans  61

3rd Stuart Leyland & Ian Ketland  63.5

4th Mike Drake & Mike Turner  65

5th Don Wraight & Bill Hughes  66

The weather was very cool to start with and we had some light rain but it later brightened up. Below are some of the lovely Autumn colours to be seen around the course,

Noel Jones and Colin Brown were partners, On the 18th Colin went for the green with his drive and landed just in front of the bunker. Here we see Noel preparing to chip on.

Below is a video of Irwin Elkin driving on the 17th


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...