22 November, 2016

Golf rule via Fred November 22nd 2016

Sheriff on Rules; November 22nd.
(a)   A player plays his tee shot from the first tee, it flights wayward to the left into the difficult terrain, and within the rules may he declare the ball lost.
The answer is: - No!.
See the definition of a lost ball. He may play a provisional ball then proceed forward to search for his 1st ball or declare his first ball unplayable and play three off the tee.

(b)   Preferred lies are in operation, before playing his second shot a player marks his ball position. Lift and cleans the ball then replaces it within 6 inches of the marker not nearer the hole.
    After waiting for his partner to play he addresses his ball reviews its position marks and takes relief as before. Upon completion of the hole he declares a score of 4. Should his marker accept this score?
The answer is No!
He took relief for which he was entitles but not entitled to a second relief before playing his ball. His score therefore should be recorded as 5 (4+1) See specimen of local rules 4c “preferred lies and winter rules.
Note:- When taking such permitted relief, failure to mark the ball before lifting will also be a 1 shot penalty.

This is an issue for which many fail to recognise be it the player and/or the marker for not applying the penalty.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...