15 November, 2016

Seniors 9 x 3 plus 9 x 2 November 15th 2016

Today was heavy going with overcast skies and the odd spot of rain. Cannot expect much more for mid November although the temperature was 14C.

Before the results were announced our Captain Nigel presented Stewart Poole with the Vets Trophy.

Event played with teams of 3 and teams of 4.
3 ball teams

  1. Ralph Hardy, Mike Perks and Colin Brown 68 points   on count back
  2. Noel Jones. Brian Downes and Irwin Elkin 68 points

4 ball teams
  1. Don Wraight, Rod Evans, Chris Jacques and Phil Morris  96 points
  2. Dave Palferman. Frank Rodenhurst, Peter Fraser and Joe White  89 points
In the 2's competition run by Cliff Evans there were 2 winners namely Malcolm Williams on the 12th hole and Chris Jacques on the 17th

Some photos taken on the day can be seen below

Seen near the 16th tee... Guess who's bag this is?

Bag belongs to the player taking his shot?

Here is the owner of that bag with his LFC hat on...any ideas yet

Here is the same guy having a double egg bap......got the name yet??

And here is our events organiser Steve announcing the winners. Great job you do Steve.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...