18 February, 2016

Seniors 9X3 9X2 FEBRUARY 18TH 2016

Derek is indebted to Steve Monk for providing todays report, Derek was elsewhere in North Wales!

Lovely day for golf today, with woodpeckers heard for the first time this year on the 4th fairway (1st time for Steve  at least) and a multiple-bird chorus on the 6th green in an otherwise silent sunny world. Superb.

Todays golf was changed from the scheduled Pairs Betterball to '9x3 plus 9x2' instead. 46 players played in 2 x 3 balls and 10 x 4 balls.

Winners were:
4-ball comp.
1st - Don Wraight, Fred Court, John Davis and Steve Monk with 111 points.

2nd - Brian Downes, Richard Key, Terry Keen and Roy Jordan with 108 points
3rd - Andy Mitchell, Tony Owens, Bill Kelleher and Harold Hughes with 100 points
3-ball comp.

1st - John Kelty, Ian Ketland and Malcolm Williams with 80 points.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...