22 February, 2016

2 shot penalty in Seniors Competitions. Latest news from Committee

Two Shot Penalties.

Your committee has reviewed the discussion point of applying a two shot penalty to winners of a Kitty Competition. Mindful of the Congu rules and also the Fun/Social aspects of such competitions the findings from that review are:-

The main purpose for the application of a two shot penalty in “Kitty Competitions” is to reduce the probability of a “player on form” securing a long series of winning, thereby equalise as far as practical the opportunities for others to win a “Kitty competition”.
The Committee also recognise the unique situation of the “Winter League”, which as well as being a competitive series, is in itself also a “Kitty Competition”.
Therefore the Committee have concluded/confirmed thatShot penaltiesshall be applied to every winner in a Kitty Competition and applied on a once only basis by the player at their next Kitty Competition except if the player wins this competition the penalties are retained and a further “Two Shot penalty” added and applied to the subsequent “Kitty Competition entry, however we agree that Penalty Shots will not be taken into a “Winter League Event” but shall be taken out of the Winter League by the winner.

With the above exception for going into a Winter League event, “Penalty Shots” shall be applied to all Kitty Competitions winners of both single and group events and applied to their next Kitty Competition played regardless of single or a group event.

Example:- A player with 2 or more accumulated penalties shots from Previous Kitty Competition wins shall, as with all other players, score the “Winter League” off their “Congu Handicap”.
Should the player win in this event then the “Kitty Competition” aspect kicks in and earns a two shot penalty which shall be added to any penalty Shots accumulated and applied to their next Kitty Competition?

The final point on this issue is the administration. Keeping tabs on it is most difficult due to varying frequency of member attendance; therefore we consider the system to be a system of total trust. Steve will post a list advising members of their penalty with the date applied and each player is expected to amend the list indicating the date the penalties were taken.

On behalf of the Committee. Fred Court

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