05 August, 2022

Some Seniors News and Information from Mike Healey August 5th 2022

The August calendar has just been circulated and it is indeed a month of board competitions, inter-club matches and Senior Opens. There are a lot of sign-up sheets on the noticeboard, so please read and do sign up. The purpose of this communication is advance notice of the Two-Day Challenge, taking place on the 6th and 8th September (sign-up sheet already on noticeboard) and a new proposal deemed the “Not Quite the Ryder Cup” event. This has been ear-marked for Tuesday 20th September and it will be a great way to close the season. On the day we are setting up a national challenge between Wales and the Rest of the World. It will require a sign-up sheet for both sides (if we fail to match numbers then a couple of seniors may be asked to swap teams). The Welsh team will be asked to wear red and ROTW – blue. The team Captains have been identified as Nigel Davies (Wales) and Dave Palferman (ROTW). They are both tasked with organising pairs for a one-day match-play competition. The scores will be collated and the winning team announced. There will be a Trophy and an inexpensive prize for each member of the winning side. If all goes well and the event proves popular, we will consider a two-day event (including singles) next year. The September Calendar is already published and will be slotted under the August sheet on the noticeboard. It will also be sent out individually at the beginning of September. The Not Quite the Ryder Cup sign-up sheet will appear mid-August. Senior Committee

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...