12 August, 2022

DGUPC report via Russ Adamson August 2022. Includes presention to Bob Brown

I am very proud to be elected as Captain of the DGUPC this year With numbers dropping at events pre covid it has been pleasing to see 30 plus PC’s from across the county attending our competitions and full teams for our matches. So far Clays PC’s have won All events. The season started at Abergele with Tony Harcombe and myself retaining the pairs better ball event withe 46 pts. Reg Peacock won my Captains day that took place at Clays and Chris Jones(Trig) won the singles event at Wrexham . The County Team have played 3 matches against Flintshire,Chester Golf Clubs and Shropshire & Herefordshire winning all 3. We still have events to play at Ruthin/ Pwllglas,Plassey,Denbigh,Old Colwyn and a final bash at Clays. The Clays PC’s made a collection and I was honoured to make a presentation to Bob Brown who has stepped down as the club county PC rep after many years of tireless work and organisation for our Clubs PC’s. I wish to add that this is in addition to all the time and effort Bod has unconditionally given to Clays over many years. Without the individual club reps the society would struggle to work and I am pleased Nigel Davies has taken over the role and I wish him well following Bobs service..

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...