23 June, 2022

Memorial Day June 23rd 2022. Report from Mike Healey and photo from Don Wraight

what a scorcher! - and that's just the golf!! Shorts and plenty of drink were the orders of the day and no fewer than 47 members placed their tallies in the draw for our Memorial Trophy. With temperatures reaching 28/29C, we all did well to survive and complete cards. While we have had three bereavements and a couple of funerals recently, it is always nice to remember our old mates. Every year on this day, Don places photographs and other name lists on all 18 tees, so that we can do that very thing. Chris Jacques (Senior captain) spoke about both our long-deceased (and more recent) colleagues and also held a minute's silence before the announcements of winners and presentation of the Memorial Trophy. It was an individual Stableford Qualifier in terms of competition and there were 8 prizes in total. I am pleased to add that the top prize and the Memorial Trophy were both presented to Harold Hughes by the Senior Captain. Well done Harold! Memorial Trophy Results: First: Harold Hughes 44 points
Second: Tony Jackson 43 points Third: Mike Scott 42 points Fourth: Les Williams 41 points Fifth: Andy Mitchell 40 points Sixth: Jon Falcus 39 points (c/b) Seventh: Damian Atkin 39 points (c/b) Eighth: Fred Court 39 points (c/b)

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...