Site to be used to post Clays Seniors section news about Seniors kitty Competitions and news of interest to the Seniors section at Clays Golf Club, near Wrexham. If any member wishes for news to be posted and or photos please contact Derek at
30 June, 2022
Pairs betterball June 30th 2022. Report via Mike Healey
Pairs Betterball Result - We should call ourselves the "rain dodgers" remaining dry throughout. There was rain before the draw, rain around us and in other parts of Wrexham while we were playing and further rain as some of us were leaving the club. No excuses today, the 19 C was a nice temperature to play in - you just had to get your partner into gear. A perfect number of 36 turned up for the draw and overall, amongst the 18 cards returned, there was a good series of scores. 38 points was popular (5 cards) but all of them just outside the prizes. 42 points went to countback as did the top score of 45 points. There were four prizes altogether - read on:
First: Stuart Leyland and Colin Evans 45 points (c/b)
Second: Peter Taylor and Tom Pierce 45 points (c/b)
Third: Mike Drake and Tom Blackshaw 43 points
Fourth: Tony Jackson and Mike Healey 42 points (c/b) (Andy Mitchell and Nigel Davies just missed out with the same score)
28 June, 2022
Multiplier June 28th 2022. Results via Mike Healey
The "Cloud" forecast was spot on but the BBC failed to warn us about the gusty winds across the course. Never mind - At least they were right about rain coming in later and there were still some very good scores returned (1 member kick-started his team with a 5 pointer on the first hole - BK). Quite a few members went out early as they were tidying up knock-out matches (both individual and pairs) so once again, numbers were slightly down and awkward with 29. We played a Multiplier but with 2 competitions - threeball (1 prize) and fourball (2 prizes). Read on after the results for reminders.
Multiplier - Threeball
First: Bill Kelleher, Harold Hughes, John Kelty - 122 points
Multiplier - Fourball
First: Steve Graham, George Hughes, Gareth Thomas, Alan Pocklington - 138 points
Second: Peter Taylor, Jon Falcus, Mike Hollings, Don Wraight - 125 points
23 June, 2022
Memorial Day June 23rd 2022. Report from Mike Healey and photo from Don Wraight
what a scorcher! - and that's just the golf!! Shorts and plenty of drink were the orders of the day and no fewer than 47 members placed their tallies in the draw for our Memorial Trophy. With temperatures reaching 28/29C, we all did well to survive and complete cards.
While we have had three bereavements and a couple of funerals recently, it is always nice to remember our old mates. Every year on this day, Don places photographs and other name lists on all 18 tees, so that we can do that very thing. Chris Jacques (Senior captain) spoke about both our long-deceased (and more recent) colleagues and also held a minute's silence before the announcements of winners and presentation of the Memorial Trophy.
It was an individual Stableford Qualifier in terms of competition and there were 8 prizes in total. I am pleased to add that the top prize and the Memorial Trophy were both presented to Harold Hughes by the Senior Captain. Well done Harold!
Memorial Trophy Results:
First: Harold Hughes 44 points
Second: Tony Jackson 43 points
Third: Mike Scott 42 points
Fourth: Les Williams 41 points
Fifth: Andy Mitchell 40 points
Sixth: Jon Falcus 39 points (c/b)
Seventh: Damian Atkin 39 points (c/b)
Eighth: Fred Court 39 points (c/b)
21 June, 2022
Texas scramble June 21st. Report vis Mike Healey
It's not often we run out of superlatives for the weather (27C today) but hasn't it been great?! There were plenty of drinks on show and even the greens around the course needed a soaking from the bowser this morning. 33 members entered the draw today so we played 11 x threeballs and swiftly changed to Texas Scramble, as opposed to the Mexican version. I have to say that the winning card scored an incredible 62 gross, including 2 x 2's and 7 x 3's. There were three prizes and the following teams were the winners:
Texas Scramble Result:
First: Colin Brown, Reg Peacock, Russ Adamson - 52.5
Second: Mike Hollings, Mike Healey, Steve Monk - 54.7
Third: Liam Roddis, Gareth Thomas, Mike Scott - 57.1 and four other cards below 60 nett!!
Reminder - Thursday 23rd - Memorial Trophy is a roll up kitty comp and Individual Stableford Qualifier
17 June, 2022
Captains Newsletter June 2022
Captains Newsletter: June 2022
Published on 14th June 2022
Glorious Glorious June, lovely weather, fantastic golf course and lots of great facilities. This is Clays Golf Club at its finest. Use and enjoy all that’s on offer.
First let me congratulate Malcolm Williams and Ewan Bonds and team for all their great effort in producing a fantastic NHS charity day.
It was well supported from club members and visitors who praised the event and our course, so yet again a massive thanks to Mark and the boys for their efforts.
All the results from the day are on the Clay’s web site and well done to those prize winners. The weather was inclement to start but brightened as the day progressed although a strong breeze made for tough conditions. Scores were very close throughout and comments were that we have a very tough course.
The total monies raised will be posted as soon as the blind auction has been run. There are lots of fantastic prizes on offer and if anyone wishes to participate the auction will close on the 18th June. Details are still in the clubhouse.
Jubilee plate has entered the 1st round proper and matches are on the notice board so good luck to all in this round.
The DGU team visited Wrexham on the 29th May and achieved a narrow but a great win, 4 1/2 to 3 1/2. A brilliant start to the team’s league matches. Next is a visit from Moss Valley on Sunday 19th June. Good luck team and well done to Vice Captain Mick McHugh in picking a winning team.
Congratulations Clays Ladies winning their home match against Royal St Davids Harlech in the NW Challenge shield. The Ladies section has been supported well and continues to grow with new members, which is fantastic for the club.
JCB qualifier is now on the HDID knockout section, if you were among the top eight you will see who you are pitted against in the knockout stages; please complete the 1st round by beginning of July.
A note from our handicap secretary Peter Bowen, please if you enter a competition you are obliged to submit your card, even if you decide midway that you are having a bad round. Failure to do so can mean you could be penalised by Wales golf.
Up and coming event is CAPTAINS’ DAY on the 9th July. This, as last year will be a shotgun start. Entry sheet is on the noticeboard at the bottom of the stairs, please support. £10 entry, which will incorporate food, and a free drink at the bar. If any member wishes to donate raffle prizes please leave at reception and big thanks for doing so.
Having just completed the NHS charity day brings me and Lady Captain to inform members that our charity this year will be in aid of Shooting Star Cancer Support Wrexham, who apart from myself, have given great help and care to many. There will be further information concerning the charity in the form of leaflets in the clubhouse. Please help and we will be hosting our charity day on the 13th August.
Just leaves me to wish you all good golf and to remind you that using the rakes in the bunkers is free, so please use them.
Don Wraight
Club Captain
16 June, 2022
Seniors 4 ball tango report June 16th 2022 from Mike Healey
the good weather continues! ☀☀ My car thermometer registered 280C after the presentations and the majority of members who turned up were glad they were in shorts. That was the only thing that could have put us off our golf today. The course is in great nick and the groundstaff were putting even more work into the bunkers. A number of seniors were playing in the pairs knockout and another group were on a day out at Abergele, not to mention the crowd down in Devon for the week. Despite the absences, 19 members still went into the draw for a Fourball Tango and we employed a ghost player (dubbed Jacob Marley) for one of the groups. On average - par for this format should have been around 96 points, Three groups achieved this and the two others were not far behind. There were two prizes - read on for the result:
Fourball Tango:
First: Ian Ketland, Ken Tieszen, Steve Monk, Chris Jacques - 112 points
Second: Andy Mitchell, Bill Kelleher, Mike Scott, Stan Robertds - 99 points
14 June, 2022
Holywell match and Kitty Competition results June 14th 2022. Report from Mike Healey
The Summer rolls on. Another glorious day weatherwise and smiles all round. The Holywell members passed good comments on the condition of our course and they were a friendly bunch indeed. Unfortunately they could only field 14 players in the end but we made adjustments and our spare players joined the remaining seniors for a small kitty comp. We adjourned afterwards to the clubhouse, where Hayley provided our regular tasty two-course and we all enjoyed the conviviality. Chris Jacques wrapped up the presentation in fine humour. Alas there were no 2's but there was a raffle draw for wine and the two bottles were won by Ram Patel and Bernie Welsh (both from Holywell). Dave Hughes, their organiser announced the result, which favoured Clays four and a half to two and a half. I would like to thank Steve Monk and Nigel Davies for helping with the money collections and Dave Palferman for keeping me in the game!! A great day all round.
Back at the clubhouse Andy Mitchell announced the kc winners:
First: Tom McGrady 43 points
Second: Colin Brown 40 points
Third: Mike Scott 39 points
10 June, 2022
Seniors Medal June 9th 2022
Div 1
1 Alan Bottomley 82-19=63
2 Malcolm Williams 89-20=69
3 Thomas Blackshaw 89-19=70
Div 2
1 Brian Beaton 96-26=70
2 Reg Peacock 92-22=70
3 Mike Hollings 96-24=72
Div 3
1 Dave Fergus 99-29=70
2 Ken Tieszen 102-31=71
3 Alan Pocklington 110-37=73
08 June, 2022
Seniors news June 7th 2022. Report from Mike Healey and Andrew Mitchell
MiKE Healey joined 27 other Clays members at Shrewsbury GC Open today and what a great day we all had - home and away. The inclement weather at the weekend and tomorrow's forecast for wall to wall rain was broken up brilliantly by today's 20 degrees of warm and sunny weather, which was brilliant for our golf. No fewer than 7 committee members were at Shrewsbury for the Open and in the unfortunate absence of the remaining committee members, today's kitty comp was left in the capable hands of Andy Mitchell. Mike is in his debt for the following report. Despite having 28 abroad, 20 seniors also turned in at Clays for the Individual Stableford draw. There were 5 prizes and the result follows:
Individual Stableford Result:
First: Peter Taylor 42 points
Second: Reg Peacock 41 points
Third: Liam Roddis 40 points
Fourth: Jon Falcus 39 points
Fifth: Graham Bryne 38 points
02 June, 2022
Jubilee Kitty competition June 2nd 2022.Results courtesy of Don Wraight- club captain
31 Seniors showed up today and played a best 2 scores to count.
Beautiful conditions, bright and sunny and the course was fabulous.
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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...
Mr President, Captain, Lady Captain, Lady Vice Captain, Immediate Past County Captain, Past Captains, ladies and gentlemen. I am greatly hon...
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