14 June, 2022

Holywell match and Kitty Competition results June 14th 2022. Report from Mike Healey

The Summer rolls on. Another glorious day weatherwise and smiles all round. The Holywell members passed good comments on the condition of our course and they were a friendly bunch indeed. Unfortunately they could only field 14 players in the end but we made adjustments and our spare players joined the remaining seniors for a small kitty comp. We adjourned afterwards to the clubhouse, where Hayley provided our regular tasty two-course and we all enjoyed the conviviality. Chris Jacques wrapped up the presentation in fine humour. Alas there were no 2's but there was a raffle draw for wine and the two bottles were won by Ram Patel and Bernie Welsh (both from Holywell). Dave Hughes, their organiser announced the result, which favoured Clays four and a half to two and a half. I would like to thank Steve Monk and Nigel Davies for helping with the money collections and Dave Palferman for keeping me in the game!! A great day all round. Back at the clubhouse Andy Mitchell announced the kc winners: First: Tom McGrady 43 points Second: Colin Brown 40 points Third: Mike Scott 39 points

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...