15 December, 2021

Seniors Xmas Party December 14th 2021. Report from Mike Healey.

Senior Xmas Scramble and Party - Tuesday14th Decembder What a day!! We were all a little disappointed at the outset, that the course was closed but it did not deter us. Mark had made his decision about the course being closed and undoubtedly it would have been horrendous in terms of condition let alone reduced number of holes. What did we do? The troops that turned up early, engaged with coffee and bacon baps followed by another impromptu putting session indoors.18 holes of putting on the fast indoor carpet is a challenge but there was only one winner and Stuart Miles came through with 32 putts - well done Stuart. Golf aside - the Xmas Scramble was cancelled but Steve Monk and Don Wraight organised a superb Xmas Party for us all through Hayley. All attendees were sat at their tables by 2.00pm and there were presentations from the Devon outing in June, which were won by Tony Jackson and Stuart Leyland. The Past Captain's Day Trophy was received by Nigel Davies and the Don de Buckles Trophy (best nett medal through the year) was also presented to Peter Bowen by the Senior Captain before the meal (pictures to be addded). Chris Jacques also made a speech that covered the year and presented outgoing Senior Captain - Barry Dare with a token of thanks from the Committee. The two course Xmas feast ensued and the wine flowed throughout. The food was delivered with precision and was excellent in both quality and quantity. There were many comments about how good the food was and all members passed comment about the party being superb, given the fiasco of lockdown last year. Following the meal there was a draw for early subscription payment and Mick Carnell (currently in Portugal) picked up the bottle of whisky prize. There was also a raffle draw for the Scramble prizes: Nearside of course: Whisky - Rodney Evans, Tom McGrady, David Jones, Alan Pocklington Wine - Tony Owens, Graham Bryne, Alan Barnsdale, Bob Brown Farside of Course: Whisky - Ralph Hardy, Chris Jones, George Hughes Wine - Mike Drake, Billy Spilstead, Peter Bowen, Peter Fraser Chris Jacques also thanked Mark Jones and his groundstaff team for their continuous efforts throughout the year and presented him with a token of thanks from the senior section. This was followed by a similar thank you to Hayley for her efforts throughout the year and a thank you gift for the catering staff. Peter Bowen organised a Xmas table quiz, which was won by the club President - Gareth Roberts and table team. Don Wraight kept the David Bailey snaps going throughout, which should reflect the entire occasion and general conviviality of the party. The whole occasion was held in great spirit as we near the end of the year. Roll on 2022!!! Photos below courtesy of Don Wraight

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...