23 September, 2021

Pairs betterball and match result away at Mold. September 23rd 2021. Report via Mike Healey

While Malcolm Williams was taking his unbeaten senior team to Mold for the final challenge of the year (Result and Report to follow), 24 members rolled up for the regular tally draw and because the numbers were perfect, we decided on Pairs Betterball. Cloud cover was forecast but warm, sunny, slightly windy conditions were well received. 12 cards were handed in and the top 8 results would have all been winners in our summer Senior Open. In fact only two cards scored 39 points - the rest were all 40 points or above - the scoring was fantastic. Result - Pairs Betterball First: Stewart Poole and Tom McGrady 49 points £6.00 each Second: Andy Mitchell and Mike Healey 48 points £4.00 each Third: Peter Taylor and Mike Drake 46 points £2.00 each Away match result from Malcolm We enjoyed a great day of golf at Mold today and maintained our unbeaten record! In our shortened season we've managed to win all 5 matches. We won 6-2, with some excellent performances on an away course which was in superb condition. Captain, Barry Dare also achieved a 2 on the 6th hole and won some golf balls.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...