Site to be used to post Clays Seniors section news about Seniors kitty Competitions and news of interest to the Seniors section at Clays Golf Club, near Wrexham. If any member wishes for news to be posted and or photos please contact Derek at
30 September, 2021
Seniors 3 clubs and putter September 30th 2021 report from Mike Healey
Seniors - Our numbers were down this morning and I wonder if members had a wary eye on the weather forecast. As it happens the BBC once again got most of it wrong. 21 intrepid seniors arrived for the draw with their 3 clubs and we proceeded as 7 x three balls. As suggested, we had very dark cloud cover in stages but the weather held and only the tail enders saw the slightest drop of rain. Largely, we arrived back inside with dry clothing, ready for some refreshment and banter. There were five prizes up for grabs and some very good scores returned. Obviously club selection was well thought through. 5 cards with 34 / 35 and 36 points were not good enough and countback was also required for the minor places but Mick Carnell shot a fantastic score - well done Mick. Please find results follow below. Congratulations were also due for Nigel Davies, who shot a Hole-in-One last week on the 12th hole at the Nicklaus Course, Carden Park. A bottle of whisky was placed on the bar and all were invited to celebrate with him. Message from Tony Harcombe - the original notice for the Oswestry Open next Wednesday has changed for a number of players and there is now a new notice on the Senior noticeboard. Please check before going next week.
Three Clubs and a Putter Result:
First: Mick Carnell 45 points £7.00
Second: Dave Palferman 38 points (c/b) £5.00
Third: Tom McGrady 38 points (c/b) £4.00
Fourth: Richard Collier 37 points (c/b) £3.00
Fifth: Alan Barnsdale 37 points (c/b) £2.00
29 September, 2021
Kitty competition result September 28th 2021 from Mike Healey
Seniors - First of all an explanation! We were all accused of being bandits last week in the pairs Betterball. As it happens we played off 95% handicap instead of 85%, which should be the new norm for Betterball scoring. It was our own kitty competition and the scores would still have been up there anyway, so it matters not!
What about today? On early arrival we were informed that two holes had been shortened because of groundwork on drainage systems, so the Stableford Qualifier was rapidly converted into a straightforward kitty competition. The original weather forecast was rain at 8.00am and torrential rain at 10am, so rather than wait for a tally draw and a lengthy starting time on the tees, the troops were sent out into any group of four they could muster. 34 members were up and running before 9.00am. We had rain for about an hour but the downpour that was promised did not materialise. It was damp but the weather did nothing to threaten the golf! Once again, some good scores were returned and if you didn't have 40 points, you were not in the prizes. Even then countback was required. Don't forget - three clubs and a putter on Thursday! Bags will be checked!! Congratulations to the following seniors.
Stableford result:
First: Stuart Leyland 44 points (c/b) £9.00
Second: Barry Evans 44 points (c/b) £7.00
Third: Nigel Harris 41 points (c/b) £6.00
Fourth: Mick Carnell 41 points (c/b) £5.00
Fifth: Peter Taylor 40 pointds (c/b) £4.00
Sixth: Steve Monk 40 points (c/b) £3.00
27 September, 2021
Seniors Events October 2021 from Mike Healey
Wednesday 6th Oct OSWESTRY OPEN Tony Harcombe has details
Thursday 7th Oct OCTOBER(Stableford)MEDAL (Men - Yellow Tees; Ladies - Red) plus 9-HOLE COMPETITION (Yellow tees) Book in advance via noticeboard / phone Don or reception for late entries
Saturday 9th Oct CLUB PRESENTATION DAY Competition and Trophy Awards
Tuesday 12th Oct BONUS BALL
Thursday 14th Oct TEXAS SCRAMBLE
Tuesday 19th Oct “TANGO” Fourball
Tuesday 26th Oct PAIRS - BOTH TO COUNT
Thursday 28th Oct YELLOW BALL
Tuesday 2nd Nov BEST 3 SCORES to COUNT Fourball
Thursday 4th Nov NOVEMBER(Stableford)MEDAL (Men - Yellow Tees; Ladies - Red) plus 9-HOLE COMPETITION (Yellow tees) Book in advance via noticeboard / phone Don or reception for late entries
23 September, 2021
Pairs betterball and match result away at Mold. September 23rd 2021. Report via Mike Healey
While Malcolm Williams was taking his unbeaten senior team to Mold for the final challenge of the year (Result and Report to follow), 24 members rolled up for the regular tally draw and because the numbers were perfect, we decided on Pairs Betterball. Cloud cover was forecast but warm, sunny, slightly windy conditions were well received. 12 cards were handed in and the top 8 results would have all been winners in our summer Senior Open. In fact only two cards scored 39 points - the rest were all 40 points or above - the scoring was fantastic.
Result - Pairs Betterball
First: Stewart Poole and Tom McGrady 49 points £6.00 each
Second: Andy Mitchell and Mike Healey 48 points £4.00 each
Third: Peter Taylor and Mike Drake 46 points £2.00 each
Away match result from Malcolm
We enjoyed a great day of golf at Mold today and maintained our unbeaten record! In our shortened season we've managed to win all 5 matches. We won 6-2, with some excellent performances on an away course which was in superb condition. Captain, Barry Dare also achieved a 2 on the 6th hole and won some golf balls.
21 September, 2021
Waltz competition results September 21st 2012 from Mike Healey
Following the rollout 0n TV of this season's "Strictly", 35 of us turned out for a "waltz" this morning. Again, odd numbers dictated a 5 x threeball and a 5 x Fourball competition with only two prizes in each section. The ground staff were still working hard on the greens with sand and brushing but we overcame the difficulties and put some reasonable scores together. The weather has remained good to us for a while now and it is wonderful for the organiser, because he doesn't have to listen to additional complaints should it be cold or inclement. Today's scores were tight in both three and four ball competitions.
Waltz Result - Threeball:
First: Nigel Davies, Nigel Harris, Mike Healey 80 points £4.00 each
Second: Alan Pocklington, Cliff Davies, Irwin Elkin 79 points £1.00 each
Third: Stuart Leyland, Peter Fraser, Mike Hollings 78 points (c/b )
Waltz Result - Fourball:
First: Dave A Jones, Mike Parkes, Liam Roddis, Peter Taylor 84 points £4.00 each
Second: Mike Griffiths, Tony Owen, Tony Jackson, Bob Jarvis 80 points £1.00 each
Third: Dave Palferman, Barry Evans, Andy Mitchell, Steve Monk 78 points
17 September, 2021
Arscott Seniors 3 man team Open results
Prize winners in Arscott Seniors Three Man Team Open
First Place C Jones /R Adamson /A Barnsdale (Clays)
Second Place J Rimmer/A Davidson/P Downes (Arscott)
Third Place L Welch/P Owen/W Hunter (Hawkstone/Beau Desert/Beau Desert)
Fourth Place D Palferman/R Collier/E Williams( Clays)
Nearest The Pin N Davies ( Clays)
Nearest The Pin In Two S Phillips (Bewdley Pines)
Nearest Tiger Line G Pound (Telford)
Longest Drive J Walker (The Shropshire)
Multiplier results September 16th 2021. From Mike Healey
Good Morning Seniors - I have had problems with internet - hence the report now.
Multiplier Result - The senior committee debated, then moved the "Stableford Qualifier" to a later date in the calendar because of the recent tyning/sanding on the greens and what a good decision that was. The ground staff have made progress all week but the greens, in places, still require a fair amount of rain to wash the sand away. It did not matter - the rest of the course is still holding up well and we played a "Multiplier" in warm conditions. 42 seniors rolled up for the tally draw, so there were 6 x threeballs and 6 x fourballs. The threeball result was a runaway but the fourball was a lot tighter with several groups scoring over 100 points. The Stableford Qualifier is now being held on Tuesday 28th September.
Result - Threeball:
First : Jon Falcus, Dilly Jones, Dave Fergus 108 points £4.00 each
Second: Barry Evans, Billy Spilstead, Damian Atkin 94 points £2.00 each
Result - Fourball:
First: Bill Kelleher, Tom McGrady, David Jones, Nigel Davies 109 points £4.00 each
Second: Peter Taylor, Bernard Fildes, Steve Monk, Bob Jarvis 106 points £2.00 each
Mike Healey
15 September, 2021
Kitty competition and Hawarden match result September 14th from Mike Healey and Steve Monk
Gentlemen - where do I start?
Firstly - today's kitty comp organised and resolved, once again, by Steve Monk (Thank you). They held an individual Stableford comp between themselves and the winner was Bill Kelleher - 36 points (£5.00) and Bob Brown - 33 points(£2.00) was second - pipping Steve Monk with the same score on countback.
At the same time, Malcolm Williams organised sixteen Seniors to do battle against a reasonably strong Harwarden team. The handicaps and matching of pairs went very smoothly and all of the tees got away on a positive note. After a dreadful weather forecast and early morning rain, we were extremely fortunate to have cloud cover and warm conditions. The course played very well until......we all met with the sand piles on the greens across the back 9 holes. The tining and sanding had always been advertised on the calendar for these two days and was expected but it just took the shine off what was a very good team game of golf.
Clays ended up taking the result 4 and a half matches to 3 and a half and we remain unbeaten for the entire season (both home and away) so far. Three twos were scored during the match on the 2nd and 5th holes - all by Harwarden players. We have one more team match a week on Thursday against Mold away. Malcolm has taken the list down and will inform players of playing partners in due course. Today's match was followed up by Hayley's magnificent carvery plus sweet and a good time was had by all.
Coming back to the sand..... members of your Senior committee debated the futility of a Stableford Qualifier this coming Thursday (see calendar) given the condition of the greens. We will therefore play a Multiplier kitty comp this week (Thursday16th) and move the Qualifier to Tuesday (28th).
ALSO - The tally draw is moving back to roll-up before 8.45am(draw) and be prepared to play at 9.00am from the same three tees (1st,14th,16th) starting this week. I
13 September, 2021
09 September, 2021
Seniors results from September 9th 2021 from Mike Healey/Steve Monk
Seniors - Thirty plus members were involved in the Seniors Open at Arscott today - results to follow. Back at Clays, the weather forecast may have put some people off but nevertheless, there was a nice round number of twelve players turning up for a kitty competition. They decided on a format of 4 x 3-balls, with the best 2 stableford scores on each hole to count. The weather turned out to be better than forecast during the morning so the whole round was played in pleasant, dry and warm conditions. All 12 players gathered in the clubhouse after the game for refreshment and the winners were announced, taking the entire kitty between them:
Best Two to Count:
Winners: Tom McGrady, Ivan Corlett and Harold Hughes, with a score of 78 points £4.00 each
Other scores were not too far behind so a fairly close and enjoyable game was had by all. K S Monk
07 September, 2021
Seniors Shamble Sept 7th 2021. Report from Mike Healey.
Good Afternoon Seniors. Firstly, Seniors Captain - Barry Dare announced all the Division winners from the last Senior medal and presented our new tiles in commemoration of the event. Div 1 - Dave Palferman, Div 2 - Graham Bryne and Div 3 - Peter Bowen. Secondly, for all senior members who were not present today, Steve Monk arrived with an extremely well-organised file, full of envelopes containing your outstanding winnings from the "covid" kitty competitions. At the very least, there must have been a little residue for you, so make sure you approach him at your next visit to the club. I have registered my thanks before and re-iterated them today in the clubhouse, but the financial side of covid comps would not have happened without him - thank you again Steve.
Moving on to today's Shamble - this format is a bit of an eclectic mix. Once the teams sorted out their four drives, it was a question of the best 2 scores added together on the card. The conditions were perfect for golf. The greens had been watered, so not quite as fast as they have been of late but the course was in great condition. The greenkeepers are now working hard on course improvement, flatter tee greens and steps on the 7th tee!! The temperature started at warm and built to 28c by the close of play. The ever so awkward number of 35 members turned out so 2 separate competitions of three and four balls were played.
Texas Shamble Result:
First: Richard Collier, Alan Bottomley, Stuart Leyland, Ralph Hardy 95 points £4.00 each
Second: Bob Brown, Graham Bryne, Steve Monk, Mike Parkes 93 points £1.00 each
First: George Hughes, Mike Healey, Malcolm Williams 98 points £4.00 each
Second: Ian Ketland, Phil Morris, Tony Jackson 88 points (c/b) £1.00 each
03 September, 2021
Seniors Medal September 2nd 2021
Division one
First: Dave Palferman 82-16=66
Second: Richard Collier 77-11=66
Third: Thomas Blackshaw 89-19=70
Division two
First: Graham Bryne 92-24=68
Second: Dilly Jones 93-24=69
Mike Hollings 94-24=70
Division three
First: Peter Bowen 98-37=61
Second: David Fergus 100-29=71
George Hughes 101-29=72
There were 3 2's today
Mike Healey at the 9th
Mike Hollings at the 12th
Dave A Jones at the 2nd
Mike Healey had his 2 at 9th using driver and then 8 iron from 123 yards out into the hole.
02 September, 2021
Match result about Holywell match from Malcolm Williams
AmAm comp . Tony Harcombe and Stuart Leyland, together with their 2 Holywell partners won the competition (best 2 to count) with 88 points.
It was a very enjoyable morning, despite the drizzly rain and cold Halkyn Mountain wind as we were made very welcome by our Holywell hosts.
We've two more matches left - v Hawarden , home on Tuesday, 14th Sept and v Mold , away on Thursday, 23rd Sept
September events 2021
Wednesday 1st Sept CHESTER CURZON PARK SENIORS OPEN See Tony Harcombe for details
Thursday 2nd Sept SEPTEMBER MEDAL (Strokeplay)(Men - White Tees; Ladies - Red) plus 9-HOLE COMPETITION (Yellow tees) Book in advance via e-mail/phone with Don or reception for late entries
Tuesday 7th Sept TEXAS SHAMBLE Four drives from each member including a par three
Thursday 9th Sept ARSCOTT SENIORS OPEN See Tony Harcombe for details
Thursday 9th Sept T.B.D. Decision on day
Tuesday 14th Sept SENIORS MATCH V HARWARDEN (H) If not involved - please book own tee
Tuesday 21st Sept WALTZ
Thursday 23rd Sept SENIORS MATCH V MOLD (A)
Thursday 23rd Sept T.B.D. Decision on day
Tuesday 28th Sept MULTIPLIER
Thursday 30th Sept 3 CLUBS AND A PUTTER
Tuesday 5th Oct PAIRS - BOTH TO COUNT
Thursday 7th Oct OCTOBER MEDAL (STABLEFORD) (Men - Yellow Tees; Ladies - Red) plus 9-HOLE COMPETITION (Yellow tees) Book in advance via e-mail/phone with Don or reception for late entries
Captains Newsletter August 2021
Another busy golfing month draws to a close. I start with a big thanks to all those members who contributed to a successful Captains Charity Day. The continued good weather ensured golf was played in ideal conditions on a course in excellent conditions. It was also good to see and hear a good buzz in the bar afterwards. The winner of the Texas scramble was a worthy team of seniors comprising; Mike Healy, Graham Bryne, Harry Collins and Bob Brown. Apologies for the rather complex formulae for working out the team handicap, blame the R&A and PGA who thought it was a good idea!
Our collective efforts raised £700 on the day. This sum, combined with monies from earlier fundraising activities, means we have raised a total of £1715 in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society. If any member, who was unable to make the charity day, wishes to make a donation, please do so direct into the members bank account, details below, or leave an envelope at golf reception.
Sort code: 40-47-26
Acc. No. 42557584
Ref: CCharity
The seniors are on a bit of a winning streak in opens at away courses. At the recent Pryors Hayes Senior Open they took three of the top four prizes. The winning score being 49 points by Stuart Poole and Brian Beaton. This builds on previous wins by seniors at Ruthin PG and Antrobus. The seniors are also on a winning streak in inter club matches. Winning all matches completed by slightly embarrassing margins, home and away. Keep up the good work guys.
The recent bank holiday weekend saw WG Team Handicap final at Celtic Manor. The feedback from one of the team, Jon Falcus, suggest the course was set up for a professional tournament. Playing at its maximum length and greens like Augusta. So not the best experience, however, as Jon notes, the team from Clays are still County Champions. Well done team.
Going forward, next weekend 4th and 5th September is finals weekend. Why not come down and support your fellow members who have worked hard to reach finals. You are all invited to walk round the course and see some good golf while creating a positive atmosphere for the finalists. Good luck to all who have reached a final.
Finally, can I ask those who have put their name down for the Captains Away Day to pay their fees as soon as possible. All tees are now taken, thanks for your support. If you would like to pay by bank transfer then text me on the number below for my bank details. You can also leave your payment in an envelope at Golf Reception.
Dave Palferman
Captain 2021
01 September, 2021
9x3 plus 9x2 Kitty competition report from Mike Healey August 31st 2021
Seniors - I am starting with a reminder that the majority of our kitty comps are played at 95% Course Handicap - today I had to adjust a couple of cards, which affected the result. Because we had 18 members playing away at Holywell (report to follow), we were left with 18 seniors to play at home in our "9 x 3" plus"9 x 2". The weather was overcast but relatively warm and the course still in great condition. There are still some holes being worked on for drainage but not too distracting overall. Six three-balls took part and it was tight at the top given that there were only two prizes.
"9 x 3" plus "9 x 2" Result:
First: Peter Thomas, Les Williams, Peter Fraser 94 points (c/b) £4.00 each
Second: Bob Jarvis, Steve Monk, Harold Hughes 94 points (c/b) £2.00 each
Third: Liam Roddis, Tony Owen, Peter Taylor 94 points (c/b)
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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...
Mr President, Captain, Lady Captain, Lady Vice Captain, Immediate Past County Captain, Past Captains, ladies and gentlemen. I am greatly hon...
Thank you to Steve Monk for supplying the following results:- 36 seniors played today in a Melody competition - the first time this forma...
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