02 September, 2021

Captains Newsletter August 2021

Another busy golfing month draws to a close. I start with a big thanks to all those members who contributed to a successful Captains Charity Day. The continued good weather ensured golf was played in ideal conditions on a course in excellent conditions. It was also good to see and hear a good buzz in the bar afterwards. The winner of the Texas scramble was a worthy team of seniors comprising; Mike Healy, Graham Bryne, Harry Collins and Bob Brown. Apologies for the rather complex formulae for working out the team handicap, blame the R&A and PGA who thought it was a good idea! Our collective efforts raised £700 on the day. This sum, combined with monies from earlier fundraising activities, means we have raised a total of £1715 in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society. If any member, who was unable to make the charity day, wishes to make a donation, please do so direct into the members bank account, details below, or leave an envelope at golf reception. Sort code: 40-47-26 Acc. No. 42557584 Ref: CCharity The seniors are on a bit of a winning streak in opens at away courses. At the recent Pryors Hayes Senior Open they took three of the top four prizes. The winning score being 49 points by Stuart Poole and Brian Beaton. This builds on previous wins by seniors at Ruthin PG and Antrobus. The seniors are also on a winning streak in inter club matches. Winning all matches completed by slightly embarrassing margins, home and away. Keep up the good work guys. The recent bank holiday weekend saw WG Team Handicap final at Celtic Manor. The feedback from one of the team, Jon Falcus, suggest the course was set up for a professional tournament. Playing at its maximum length and greens like Augusta. So not the best experience, however, as Jon notes, the team from Clays are still County Champions. Well done team. Going forward, next weekend 4th and 5th September is finals weekend. Why not come down and support your fellow members who have worked hard to reach finals. You are all invited to walk round the course and see some good golf while creating a positive atmosphere for the finalists. Good luck to all who have reached a final. Finally, can I ask those who have put their name down for the Captains Away Day to pay their fees as soon as possible. All tees are now taken, thanks for your support. If you would like to pay by bank transfer then text me on the number below for my bank details. You can also leave your payment in an envelope at Golf Reception. Dave Palferman Captain 2021 Mob:07760414976 dpalferman@gmail.com

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...