17 June, 2021

Seniors Stableford report from Mike Healey June 17th 2021

Seniors - a long day, partly due to the one tee start and partly due to speed on the course - more later. A good few members declared perfect conditions around the course and the ground staff deserve our praise for that. The 'BBC-threatened' rain did not materialise and the cooler weather was a blessing for golf. 32 intrepid seniors teed off the first and gave the Stableford Qualifier their best shot. Quite a few scores were returned around 34,35, and 36 points - not good enough for the six prizes. Please find result below: Individual Stableford Qualifier First: Jon Falcus 44 points £9.00 Second: Ken Tieszen 43 points £7.00 Third: Ian Ketland 42 points £6.00 Fourth: Colin Brown 39 points £5.00 Fifth: Peter M Jones 38 points £3.00 Sixth: Alan Bottomley 37 points c/b £2.00 one other missed out on 37 c/b

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...