30 March, 2021

Captains Newsletter March 2021

Welcome to, what I sincerely hope is, the last newsletter of the Covid-19 shutdown era. With restrictions being slowly lifted, we should be back to playing in four balls and full competitions before the end of April. Please keep a look out for BRS messages providing details on how to enter the board competitions. While we are compelled to play mainly as two balls, tee times are limited. If you are unable to make your booked tee time, please, out of respect for your fellow members, call golf reception or use BRS to cancel your reservation. Following on from my previous newsletter, I can now confirm members of the Club Council for the coming golfing year, as follows: Club President: Gareth Roberts Club/Mens Captain: Dave Palferman Club/Mens Vice-Captain: Don Wraight Ladies Captain: Christine Evans Ladies Vice-Captain: Julie Hanmer-Price Senior Captain: Barry Dare Handicap Secretary: Peter Bowen / Irwin Elkin Competition Secretary: Paul Lloyd Junior Organiser: Josh Green Hon. Treasurer: Christine Evans Hon. Secretary: Vacant Management Rep: Josh Green Please note, the position of Hon. Secretary is vacant. This is an important position on Council, giving the post holder full voting rights. Therefore, the post holder can influence the future direction of our members section. The position attracts an honorarium to cover expenses. Interested? Please contact me directly. The club AGM will be arranged as soon as we are able to meet in-doors in sufficient numbers. As required by our constitution, a notice in respect to the AGM will be posted on the notice board one month prior to the agreed meeting date. Finally, I would like to thank Steve Monk and Irwin Elkin for volunteering, or accepting being volunteered, to update the Club Constitution to take account of the World Handicap System. Until next time, enjoy your golf and stay safe. Dave Palferman Club Captain 2021 dpalferman@gmail.com

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