28 October, 2020

Message from Barry Dare regarding Poppy Day and Seniors Xmas Party 2020 plus information from Mike Healey

Good Evening Everyone Ken Lawrence Memorial Trophy/ Poppy Day Appeal Looking forward to getting back after the “circuit breaker”? We have planned the Ken Lawrence Memorial Trophy/Poppy Day Appeal for Tuesday 10th of November. The day before Remembrance Day, and the day after we are allowed back to play golf! This is a great chance to try out your new WHS handicap index! The competition, as always, will have an array of prizes, donated by the Seniors committee, and any members who can get their prizes to the club on Tuesday Morning! The entrance fee is £5 as usual, payable on the day. Please book your place through Mike Healey in the normal way. Xmas Party and Seniors Subs It has been fairly obvious for some time that we would not be able to have our Christmas Party this year, but we have tried to hold off the decision for as long as possible, I feel we cannot go any further without saying, sadly, this year’s event is cancelled. In the circumstances, your committee agreed that we would not charge £5 seniors subs for next year for all those who have paid this year, as such a large proportion of our monies are channelled into this event. Any new members, of course would need to pay next year’s fees. We would however have our normal draw for a bottle of Whiskey for those of you who were fully paid members for this current year. Good Luck. Hope to see you soon Best Wishes Barry ************************************************8 And from Mike Dear Seniors - you have received a note from Barry regarding future dates. Providing Mr Drakeford is happy that all can open up again, we might be able to resume some competitive golf. Please find attached a copy of the Senior's November calendar starting with the Ken Lawrence (Poppy Day) Trophy, which takes place on Tuesday 10th November (the day after Wrexham/Wales return and assuming the course is open). There is a £5.00 entry fee for this event, which will all go towards the Royal British Legion collection. There won't be any kitty cash prizes but a range of bottle prizes instead, very much along the lines of the recent BHF fund-raising Day. The sign up sheet for this event is now open. Don has asked me to remind you that the November medal has been moved back from 5th November to Thursday 12th November (busy week) and quite a number of you have signed the medal sheet in the clubhouse (if you have, you are already entered). The medal sheet has been taken down, so if you still wish to enter, you need to e-mail Don for medal entry. Tuesday 17th November also sees the beginning of the Senior Winter League, which takes place over six rounds between early November and February, depending on weather. For newcomers, we play for Stableford points but the top ten places score League points 1 - 10, which accumulate in a League table. On a practical note, there have been several instances of incorrect kitty comp results being given out of late, due to unclear recording of scores. We have had to correct results after publishing. Some members have been confused in marking their own cards and noting playing partners - it doesn't matter which columns or methods are used BUT in order to avoid mistakes in the future - Please enter the score for the named player(s) in the box provided - bottom right-hand corner on the scorecard. Finally, as an exercise in fairness, your tee times over the last 16 kitty comps have been recorded. It is impossible to get everybody out before 9.30, so the records show 4 divided periods of time and the aim is to distribute a reasonable spread for each of you. Some seniors have requested later times, while others on school runs might request early tees from time to time. If you don't fit either of these groups, I am checking your times but if you feel that you are still owed a few more "earlies", please let me know whenever we next meet at Clays. Please find Tee Tables attached. Enjoy whatever you are doing outside of golf - Stay safe!! Mike Healey

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...