22 September, 2020

The following report came via Mike Healey. Hello All – Before I (Mike Healey) announce the result (and you will see why in a minute) I have to pay compliment to my playing partners who carried me except for my four drives and a couple of putts. Texas Scramble - The competition ran very smoothly – all 13 three balls turned up on time, kept the pace going and the last grouping arrived home after 3 hours 30 mins. Despite ground staff working around the course, it was in good condition and even the greens with tining and sand were not that bad. The forthcoming rain will wash most of it away and service will be resumed as normal. Hayley met us with food and drink outside and the day could not have been more pleasant. Result: Three prizes today. First - Alan Barnsdale, Bob Jarvis, Mike Healey 57.8 £6.00 each Second - Tony Jackson, Mike Drake, Dave Talbot 60.4 £4.00 each Third - Mike Parks, Bill Kelleher, Damian Atkin 60.8 £3.00 each

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...