25 July, 2020

Seniors Committee meeting and minutes July 17th 2020




Committee Meeting










17 July 2020

Barry Dare



Don Wraight

Mike Healey

Steve Monk


Chris Jacques


Malcolm Williams


Tom Pierce


Peter Bowen


Mike Hollings





The meeting was conducted remotely via Zoom due to the restrictions on gathering imposed during the coronavirus pandemic.




Standing Agenda


1.    Captain’s report ( BD )

Since our last meeting on the 12th June we of course have had a gradual return to what appears to be a new normality. Things are still changing slowly but progress is gradually being made. We have had little to discuss at Council but have completed the following :-

·         Review and Publish current Clays Calendar

·         Highlight the necessity for members to pay Club Levy, this we usefully combined with Steve’s wish to finalise Seniors Section payments.

From the Senior Groups perspective, we have also had the sad news of the deaths of Dave Lloyd, Geoff Bridges, and Cliff Davies’s wife Pat, it was good to see Cliff walking the course on Monday, and I took the opportunity to wish him well and encourage him back.

We have also welcomed (but not met) two new members, Brian Cross, and Bernard Fildes.


2.    Treasurer’s report ( SM )



Since my last report there has been very little financial activity due to Covid-19.

However there have been a further 9 subscription payments, totalling £45.


A summary of this year’s finances so far are therefore as follows:


Opening Balance at Jan 1 2020                                                                                 812.99

2020 Subs Received so far (99 x £5)                                                             495.00

Additional Income                                                                                                          11.00


Sub-total                                                                                                                    1318.99


Prizes purchased for Nearly St. David’s Day Comp                                      138.36

Committee Expenses                                                                                        15.00


Current Total in Account                                                                                           1165.63



We currently have 100 paid up members (including 1 x life member).


There are 16 names on our tally list, left over from last year, who have not paid this year. Only a small handful of these are still around and playing. If you know any who have definitely left Clays or are no longer interested in playing as a member of Seniors, please let me know asap. I will also notify Secretary of any such people – thanks!


There are 8 unallocated tally numbers.


We still need to reschedule a Nearly St David’s Day competition at some time in order to recover the amount spent on prizes.



3.    Secretary’s report (CJ)

Nothing to report but see item 7 below.


4.    Match Organiser’s report (MW/TP)


I contacted Hawarden, Holywell and Mold regarding fixtures still left on the calendar: -

Hawarden - we agreed the 28th July fixture was too soon but we hope we can play on 15th Sept at Clays.  Holywell hope to be able to get a team together for 1st Sept. at Holywell ( but will offer Clays if a problem with venue!).

Mold - their Committee made a decision to cancel all matches for this season and they have decided to keep to that decision. So there is no match on 24th Sept.

If the wish is to try for another match in Sept/Oct, I am quite willing to contact Aldersey Green or Old Padeswood.


5.    Medal and Honours Board Competition Secretary’s report ( DW/PB )


At present we have 48 players in the July Medal all playing in 2 balls, with thanks to Mr. Drakeford. Messaged the timesheet for those playing on how they should score and enter their scores. I am not entirely happy with marking their own cards and then entering scores on HDID. Once entered there is no provision on verifying with the markers score. But we will have to hope they are all correct.

Senior/Vets and the 2-day challenge so far have 43/44 entering. Trying to hold back on the draw, for the Challenge days, in case we get permission to play, in larger groups. Tee times are so spread throughout the day for the Senior/Vets.

Noticing that a couple of players have pre booked tee times on competition days which will upset those who are entering those comps. I intend to dismiss them from the competitions should they enter.

August dates for competitions are: 4th Memorial Trophy: 20th D.J. Bogey and 27th Gemini the latter is in hope that we can have 4 balls.


Seniors medal 09.07.20: use of HDIDo sign-in/score entry:


56 scores entered (of which 8 scores were signed in and entered by PB)

16 members signed in by app/website.

32 members entered scores without signing in.

2 cards were posted through Irwin's letterbox.

2 cards were left in box at reception and scores emailed to PB by Don using excel score card.

One card given to PB in plastic bag by Russ who couldn't find box!


Friday: Don emailed 5 players who had played but not submitted. Two emailed scores, not using excel sheet. One lost card.  One score entered on app but did not appear to have gone through properly so verbally given over phone. By Saturday morning, one-no feedback.

Total of 2 NR entries for non-submission.

Competition finally closed and published Saturday afternoon.

6.    Kitty Competition Organiser’s report ( MH )

There have not been any competitions during the pandemic but a provisional calendar has been prepared by me monthly just in case we get the go-ahead to meet in numbers again. It will be up and running as soon as we get the go ahead.


On that note, I feel we are still a fair way from extended playing numbers. Should there be an announcement during my holiday, the Seniors have the Two-Day Challenge to occupy them and I will be ready to roll the following week but I am not holding my breath on my return.


Meeting agenda


7.    Communication with members


Committee agreed that as we are currently unable to use the Seniors’ Notice Board communication with members would be effective through the Blog, and meeting minutes would be distributed to members by email.




8.    Calendar

Committee agreed that it would not be possible to play InterClub matches in the current environment.  MW would contact the other Clubs to advise them. He had already begun discussions about dates for next year.

Committee agreed that an integral part of Memorial Day was to remember our members who had passed away and it would not be sufficient to simply hold the competition without doing so.  Our normal procedure for this would not be possible under current restrictions so it was agreed that DW would include a list of those to be remembered when advising players of tee times, and a notice would be posted by the first tee giving the same details.

Nearly St. David’s Day competition, postponed because of the restrictions earlier in the year, has been scheduled for 10th September.   Arrangements for signing in, food & drink, and prizegiving will need to decided nearer the date depending on the nature of the restrictions in force at the time.



9.    2020 Seniors Open

Captain and DW had discussed with management and it was agreed that in current conditions it would not be possible to hold the Open in safety.


10.  Handicap Qualification – Seniors Competitions

The system of submitting scores remotely was working pretty well.  DW would advise competition entrants of the step by step process for submitting scores via HowDidIDo and that players should record the scores of a playing partner as well as their own to ensure accuracy.

The World Handicapping System is still expected to come into operation from 4th November when handicaps will be based on best 8 from past 20 scores.  Until then the current system of adjusting handicaps from each individual qualifier will continue.

Link to Wales Golf explanation of the World Handicapping System : -





11.  Roy Jordan


Members had contributed generously to Roy’s farewell gift, and Clays had agreed to refund Roy’s membership subscription and DGU fees.    BD would write to Josh on behalf of the Section to express our gratitude for this.


12.  AOB


Committee agreed to meet on 28th July to discuss how we might reintroduce kitty competitions within the restrictions.   Committee members would send suggestions to The Secretary for collation before the meeting.



13.  Action Points :







AP 6


Distribute meeting minutes to members by email

23 July




Write to Josh to express gratitude for generosity re Roy Jordan

30 July




Publish guide to registering competition scores via HowDidIDo





Advise relevant Clubs that Clays Seniors will not be playing InterClub matches in 2020

30 July




Date of next meeting : 28 July 2020


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