18 December, 2019

Seniors Xmas Party and Texas Scramble December 17th 2019

At 8.00am, Steve Monk collected the money and provided all the dinner wine and alcoholic prizes.  A variety of Xmas jumpers and outrageous hats were on show as the throng arrived. Coffee was slurped and Hayley's mince pies devoured. Onward and outward to our shotgun start positions. Don Wraight had devised the route and cards were immaculately prepared to accommodate 63 players for a Xmas Texas Scramble, all with military precision. The battle began and teams returned to the clubhouse but disappeared again in a cloud of dust, to return home for their Brut aftershave. When the cards were finally collected - 4 teams had returned gross scores of 38 - not good enough. 2 teams had 37 but went to handicap reduction for 3rd place, followed by the two winners:

First:        Chris Jones, Gareth Roberts, Mick McHugh, Russ Adamson        31.3 points (Whisky and Gin choice)

Second:    Stewart Poole, Mike Kalka, Chris Jacques, Mike Hollings            31.65 points (Bottle of Wine)

Third:        Alan Bottomley, Dave Palferman, Peter Taylor, Peter Thomas       32.3 points (Bottle of Wine)

At 2.00pm, all players plus additional guests sat down to a splendid traditional Xmas dinner prepared by Hayley and her team. The food, wine and banter all flowed throughout and the convivial atmosphere was enhanced by Stewart Poole and Dilly Jones telling stories and jokes. Incoming Senior Captain, Barry Dare asked Fred Court to help present the traditional Devon Trophies which duly took place. Don Wraight received best score of the week, with Tony Harcombe picking up best overall points. Nevelle Bassett in his absence received the infamous "28 My A*** Trophy"!! which always gets the best cheer of the day. Reg Peacock was the recipient of the Don der Buckle prize for best net over the summer medals and finally the Scramble prizes were distributed.

Chris Jacques organised a music quiz after the prize giving and the raucous atmosphere was broken up with spontaneous singing. The Club Captain's table were eventual winners of the quiz.

Barry Dare received £11 from Ivan's coin party piece. The money will go to the Seniors Fund.

Some photos of the festivities below courtesy of Mike Parkes

 Carriages arrived and members slowly bid their farewells late afternoon without any real carnage. There are still competitions posted on the calendar for anybody willing to brave the weather but if not Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year for 2020.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...