28 November, 2019

Pairs better ball November 28th 2019

Results via Mike Healey

22 little ducks needed webbed feet to find their way round Clays today (where was Mike Drake?) The "sludge trudge" a.k.a. Pairs Betterball was contested in the mud and rain and all in all, conditions, it has to be said, were not great. The results at the top were close and the following pairs conquered:-

First        -        Ron Roberts and Alan Barnsdale        32 points. Ron wished it known that the best 2 looking ones won!!!!

Second    -        Dave Palferman and Mike Turner        31 points (countback)

Third        -        Stewart Poole and Keith Jones          31 points (countback)

Also a further reminder about the AGM next Tuesday 3rd December at 12.00 noon.

26 November, 2019

Captains Newsletter November 2019

Clays Golf Club

Captain’s Newsletter : November 2019

Dear Member of Clays Golf Club

The very wet weather over the past couple of months has made it a very frustrating time for golfers and greenkeepers alike. Although many of us would have liked to have played more in recent weeks, I’m sure that you will agree that it is important to protect the course when conditions dictate that the ground would be damaged if play was allowed.  Mark and his team got the course into such brilliant condition for us this season and it would be a pity for all their good work to be wasted now for the sake of a game. Fingers crossed for a long spell of dry, bright weather in December!

We held Presentation Day on 9th November and, although the weather intervened yet again resulting in the cancellation of the golf competition, the day proved to be a great success. I was particularly pleased that so many people turned up anyway, not only the winners and runners up but also the number of members who hadn’t won anything but still came to recognise others’ success. It really did turn out to be an excellent celebration of the 2019 season. I have listed all of this season’s winners in a “2019 Roll of Honour” later in the newsletter.

Our Curry and Quiz night took place last Saturday evening, 23rd and again the turnout was very pleasing. Hayley again provided us with delicious food and those attending were also treated to a short burst of karaoke from a club official! A great time was had by all with, as a result of a degree of success in Hayley’s “Play Your Cards Right”, some members ending the evening better off than when they arrived!

Our next social event is the Clays Christmas Party on Friday, 6th December starting at 7.30pm. This will be a buffet and disco plus some fun competitions. Tickets are just £12 per person, available from Hayley. All members, friends and families are of course very welcome.

I also just want to give everyone a reminder that the 'Clays Golf Christmas Draw' is currently underway in Reception at £2 a square or 3 for £5. First prize is a 7 day Clays Golf membership and other prizes include a large turkey, a bottle of scotch, wine and chocolates. Many thanks to all members who have already taken part.

I’ve mentioned in recent newsletters the possible purchase and installation of a new air compressor for members’ convenience. I’m delighted to report that this has now gone ahead, primarily as a result of the generosity of two of our members, Irwin Elkin and Richard Key, who have been instrumental in the initial purchase of the equipment. Many thanks to both. The establishment of a halfway house still remains an intention of the club and we will continue to aim to raise funds towards this over the coming months.

Finally, I would like to wish all of our members and their families a very Merry Christmas.

Nigel Davies                                                                                       nigeldavies78@gmail.com
Club Captain                                                                                      

Club News :

The Clays Christmas Open will take place on Saturday, 28th December. This will be a Texas Scramble competition for teams of 3 or 4 players and teams can be mixed with Men, Ladies or Juniors off Yellow/Red Tees. Entry fee is just £6 for Members and £10 for Visitors. Prizes include meals out, rounds of golf at other courses and golf products from Ben at Fairway Golf.

On the 5th November, 46 Seniors took part in the annual Ken Lawrence Trophy individual stableford competition which also incorporates their Poppy Day Appeal. Prizes were donated by Ken’s family and Ken’s son Chris also played in the competition. All proceeds from entry fees and raffle sales were donated to the appeal and an excellent total of £350 was raised on the day. There will be a presentation to the Royal British Legion at a later date.

The Clays Christmas Mixed competition has been arranged for the 8th December. This will comprise a stableford betterball competition followed by a meal. Entry fee is £24 per pair to include the meal and prizes. Please contact Reception for further details and tee times etc.

There has been an excellent response to the Winter Golf Clinics that Steven Wilson will be running over the next few weeks, beginning Wednesday, 27th November. Many thanks to Steve for providing this opportunity for members to develop their game.

Club Results :
Congratulations to those members listed below on their recent golfing success.

Seniors Ken Lawrence Memorial :
1st           Alan Bottomley                    2nd       Tom Pierce                  

Club November Medal :
Division  1 :
1st        Dave Riley                  2nd       Graham Davidson-Clarke      
Division 2 :
1st        Paul Stevenson           2nd      Michael Carnell
Division 3 :
            1st :      Harold Hughes            2nd       Keith Hawthorn

South African Pairs Turkey Trot competition :
1st        Michael McHugh & Paul Stevenson              2nd       Iwan Bonds & Richard Collier

Seniors Winter League Round 1 :
1st        Mick Carnell               2nd       Ken Tieszen                3rd        Peter Taylor         

2019 Roll of Honour

Captains Day                                                     Iwan Bonds
Presidents Day                                                Mike Jones
Clays Past Captains                                     Dave Palferman
Captains Drive in (Men)                              Vic Mohun
Captains Drive in (Ladies)                        Jane Evans
Lady's Captains Day                                                Pauline Peacock
Fan Jones Trophy                                            Christine Evans
Allington Hughes Salver                       Julie Hanmer Price
Aber Rose Bowl                                               Dawn Thompson
Powells Jewellers Trophy                     Julie Hanmer Pric
LADIES BETTERBALL                                         dawn thompson
HARCOMBE TROPHY best nett                  jane evans
LADIES CHALLENGE best gross                jane evans
MIXED FOURSOMES PAIRS                              beverley hood & nigel davies
JUBILEE MIXED FOURSOMES PLATE           pauline peacock & reg peacock
LADIES CHALLENGE BOWL                            pauline peacock
WELSH DRAGON BROOCH                               julie hanmer price
SENIORs GEMINI trophy                                peter almond & mike jordan
SENIORs BETTERBALL                                       stewart poole & damian atkin
seniors DJ BOGIE                                               damian atkin
Copperwheat Eclectic                              dave palferman
SENIORs 2-DAY CHALLENGE DIV 2             dilwyn jones
SENIORs 2-DAY CHALLENGE DIV 1             martin povey
VETS TROPHY                                                        john kelty

2019 roll of honour (contd.)
SENIORs TROPHY                                                michael carnell
SENIORs CHAMPION                                          dilwyn jones
FLICK CUP                                                               paul wallace jones & jason hill
GEM TROPHY                                                         andy matthews & gareth whitley
ORDER OF MERIT                                                 iwan bonds
Tom & Kathleen Jones Cup                       andi jones
T M DAVIES CUP                                                  mike jones
JCB SHIELD                                                            mark williams
NEIL HARDEN trophy                                      mike jones
KAREN GRIFFITHS cup                                     graham davidson-clarke
ABER SHIELD                                                         dilwyn jones
CLAYS CHALLENGE CUP                                  paul lloyd
SCRATCH CUP                                                       josh green
ROWLAND CUP best nett                             patrick whelan
CLUB CHAMPION                                                 paul lloyd

Dates for Your Diary :
1st December                      Ladies 9-Hole comp & Christmas Party

3rd December                     Seniors AGM

5th December                     Seniors Stableford Medal
6th December               Clays Christmas Party!  

7th December                     Quarterly & Monthly Medals

8th December                     Christmas Mixed

10th December                   Club Council Meeting

14th December                   Turkey Trot : 2 Ball Texas Scramble

17th December                   Seniors 9-Hole comp & Christmas Party

21st December                   Turkey Trot Finale :  Six  Six  Six

28th December                   Clays Christmas Open

                2020  Happy New Year!

2nd January                         Seniors Stableford Medal

4th January                         Club Monthly Medal

7th January                         Seniors Winter League 3

                                                Annual Handicap Review

11th January                       Saturday Winter Order of Merit 1

12th January                       Sunday Winter Order of Merit 1

22 November, 2019

Pairs both scores count November 21st 2019 plus Andrew Mitchell's birthday

Five holes are still closed on the course and Hole one still being played as a par 3. No buggies were allowed but the fairways were slightly better than Tuesday's heavy ground. A cold bitter wind was the prevailing weather condition and that can only help with the drying process, although rain is forecast over the weekend and into next week.

Today's results - Pairs - Both Scores to Count:

First:        Harold Hughes and Mike Drake        48 points

Second:    Richard Key and Dave Palferman     44 points

Third:        Mick Carnell and Bob Jarvis            43 points (Countback)

Fourth:      Maelor Davies and Peter Taylor       43 points (Countback)

We decided not to hold a twos competition with two of the par 3 holes being closed but it was rather disappointing for the Hon. Sec. as he scored twos on both the 5th and 12th, sadly without recompense.

Looking forward to Tuesday 26th - we are playing the second round of the Winter League and on Thursday 28th picking up on the postponed November medal -  names already in the booking system from last time!! Please check.

Steve Monk sent the following:-
Andrew Mitchell's 75th birthday today, and once all 36 of today's players were back in the clubhouse after this morning's game, Hayley had a nice surprise for him when she came out with a freshly made and iced birthday cake, complete with message and lit candles. (See photos). All sang a very tuneful (!?) rendition of 'Happy Birthday' before being treated to a piece of the cake each.
Happy Birthday Andrew! 🎉🍷🎈

For those on Facebook Hayley posted a video of Andrew receiving his cake.

20 November, 2019

1st Round Seniors Winter League November 19th 2019

Report kindly supplied by Mike Healey

36 Senior members braved the cold this morning to turn out for the first of the Winter League competitions. Holes 2,6,7,16 and 17 were sadly closed and the course in general was playing very heavy. Some members were glad of the shortened course just to warm up. Despite conditions, some very creditable scores were returned. The top ten scores received League Points and the top seven only received monetary reward from the Kitty Comp:

Position    Name                   Stableford Points         League Points

First         Mick Carnell         28pts (Countback)       10pts

Second    Ken Tieszen         28pts (Countback)         9pts

Third        Peter Taylor          27pts                           8pts

Fourth     George Hughes     26pts (Countback)         7pts

Fifth        Harold Hughes      26pts (Countback)         6pts

Sixth       Stewart Poole       25pts                           5pts

Seventh   Colin Brown          24pts                           4pts

Eighth     Nigel Harris           23pts (Countback)        3pts

Ninth       Mike Kalka            23pts (Countback)       2pts

Tenth      Alan Barnsdale       23pts (Countback)       1pt

Harold Hughes was the only player to register a two in the sweep and Group 4 security were placed on standby to escort him home with his winnings!!

No Buggies were allowed today,

13 November, 2019

Course closures

No doubt you will all know that course is closed today November 13th and Thursday  November 14th.

11 November, 2019

Presentation Day November 9th 2019

There was to have been a 9 hole Texas scramble prior to the presentation but this competition did not take place due to the course being closed because of the very wet conditions. The photographs are courtesy of Dave Palferman.

Stewart Poole 2 day challenge Division 2 Runner up

Dilly Jones Winner 2 day Challenge Division 2

Martin Povey 2 day challenge division 1 runner up

John Kelty Vets Trophy

Mike Carnell  Seniors Trophy

Andrew Mitchell Seniors Match Play knockout runner up

Dilly Jones Seniors Match play knock out winner

Dilly Jones  AberShield

07 November, 2019

Seniors November Medal 2019

As the course was closed today November 7th the November medal will now take place on Novmber 28th 2019

06 November, 2019

Ken Lawrence Memorial Trophy November 5th 2019

Ken Lawrence Memorial Trophy November 5th 2019

This popular annual event attracted 46 members.  Format was individual stableford over 16 holes. Holes 16 and 17 were closed and hole 1 played as a par 3.The 11th hole was shortened and had a temporary green. Only single ride on buggies were allowed.

There were many donations for the raffle which was drawn after the results were announced.

Seniors Captain Don Wraight was unwell and unable to play. His place was taken by Club Captain Nigel Davies who officiated over the proceedings.

Results as follows:-
1.       Alan Bottomley with 34 points on countback. In addition to the Ken Lawrence Trophy he also received a bottle of malt whisky donated by the Lawrence family.
2.       Tom Pierce  with 34 points on countback plus a bottle of wine from the Lawrence family
3.       Mick Carnell 33 points plus bottle of wine from the Lawrence family
4.       John Kelty  32 points on countback
5.       Barry Dare 32 points on countback
6.       Stuart Leyland 32 points on countback.

Mick Carnell in 3rd place

Tom Pierce in 2nd place

Alan Bottomley having received the Ken Lawrence Trophy along side Nigel Davies and Ken Lawrence's 2 daughters and son.

As of today some £350 been raised (from entry fees and raffle monies) for the Royal British Legion. Once final amount is known it will be presented to a member of the RBL at a future date.

Below Steve Monk and Mike Healey hard a work sorting the monies out and preparing the raffle tickets.

03 November, 2019

Seniors November events 2019



Tuesday Nov 5th
Tally Draw -
£3.00 Entry plus raffle. Please give generously!
Nov 7th
NOVEMBER MEDAL (Stableford, Men Yellow Tees; Ladies Red)
plus 9-HOLE COMP.
Book in advance on Seniors Notice Board. See Don or reception for late entries
Nov 12th
Yellow Ball 4, 5, 4, 5
Thursday Nov 14th
Pairs Betterball
(Followed by Committee Meeting)
Tuesday Nov 19th
Seniors Winter League
(Round 1 of 6)
Top ten Stableford  scores receive League points 1-10
Thursday Nov 21st
Pairs – Both Scores to Count
Tuesday Nov 26th
Seniors Winter League
(Round 2 of 6)
Top ten Stableford  scores receive League points 1-10
Thursday Nov 28th
Tuesday Dec 3rd
9 Hole Texas Scramble
(Followed by Seniors AGM 12.00 Noon)
Thursday Dec 5th
DECEMBER MEDAL (Stableford, Men Yellow Tees; Ladies Red)
plus 9-HOLE COMP.
Book in advance on Seniors Notice Board. See Don or reception for late entries


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...