06 November, 2019

Ken Lawrence Memorial Trophy November 5th 2019

Ken Lawrence Memorial Trophy November 5th 2019

This popular annual event attracted 46 members.  Format was individual stableford over 16 holes. Holes 16 and 17 were closed and hole 1 played as a par 3.The 11th hole was shortened and had a temporary green. Only single ride on buggies were allowed.

There were many donations for the raffle which was drawn after the results were announced.

Seniors Captain Don Wraight was unwell and unable to play. His place was taken by Club Captain Nigel Davies who officiated over the proceedings.

Results as follows:-
1.       Alan Bottomley with 34 points on countback. In addition to the Ken Lawrence Trophy he also received a bottle of malt whisky donated by the Lawrence family.
2.       Tom Pierce  with 34 points on countback plus a bottle of wine from the Lawrence family
3.       Mick Carnell 33 points plus bottle of wine from the Lawrence family
4.       John Kelty  32 points on countback
5.       Barry Dare 32 points on countback
6.       Stuart Leyland 32 points on countback.

Mick Carnell in 3rd place

Tom Pierce in 2nd place

Alan Bottomley having received the Ken Lawrence Trophy along side Nigel Davies and Ken Lawrence's 2 daughters and son.

As of today some £350 been raised (from entry fees and raffle monies) for the Royal British Legion. Once final amount is known it will be presented to a member of the RBL at a future date.

Below Steve Monk and Mike Healey hard a work sorting the monies out and preparing the raffle tickets.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...