22 November, 2019

Pairs both scores count November 21st 2019 plus Andrew Mitchell's birthday

Five holes are still closed on the course and Hole one still being played as a par 3. No buggies were allowed but the fairways were slightly better than Tuesday's heavy ground. A cold bitter wind was the prevailing weather condition and that can only help with the drying process, although rain is forecast over the weekend and into next week.

Today's results - Pairs - Both Scores to Count:

First:        Harold Hughes and Mike Drake        48 points

Second:    Richard Key and Dave Palferman     44 points

Third:        Mick Carnell and Bob Jarvis            43 points (Countback)

Fourth:      Maelor Davies and Peter Taylor       43 points (Countback)

We decided not to hold a twos competition with two of the par 3 holes being closed but it was rather disappointing for the Hon. Sec. as he scored twos on both the 5th and 12th, sadly without recompense.

Looking forward to Tuesday 26th - we are playing the second round of the Winter League and on Thursday 28th picking up on the postponed November medal -  names already in the booking system from last time!! Please check.

Steve Monk sent the following:-
Andrew Mitchell's 75th birthday today, and once all 36 of today's players were back in the clubhouse after this morning's game, Hayley had a nice surprise for him when she came out with a freshly made and iced birthday cake, complete with message and lit candles. (See photos). All sang a very tuneful (!?) rendition of 'Happy Birthday' before being treated to a piece of the cake each.
Happy Birthday Andrew! 🎉🍷🎈

For those on Facebook Hayley posted a video of Andrew receiving his cake.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...