26 October, 2017

Strings Competition October 26th 2017

Today Steve Monk spent about 10 minutes before the Seniors went out to fully explain the format!

Strings  This is played as an individual stableford. HOWEVER, the normal stroke index at each hole is ignored. Instead, each player may choose how many of his total handicap allowance shots to take at each hole. He must inform the marker how many shots he wishes to take as soon as the hole is completed and BEFORE the next tee shot is taken. Markers – please mark Gross score in row A, then number of shots the player wishes to take at the hole in row B, then resultant stableford score in row C. At the end of the round, the total handicap shots taken in the whole of row B must not be greater than the player’s normal handicap.

Think about STRATEGY – will you take more than normal shots on a hole where you score a high gross and would normally score a blob, to bring your net score down to a point-scoring level, or will you use more than normal where you score a low gross, to result in a really big stableford score. It’s up to you!! Hope it’s a bit different and enjoyable.

The results below:-

39 players out today.

1st - Bob Brown with 37 points

=2nd - Alan Bottomley and Dave Jones, both with 36 points each

4th - Alan Pocklington with 35 points

=5th - Mike Healey, Dave Palferman and Fred Court, all with 34 points each.

The countback method was not used today.

There was only 1 winner in the 2's competition run by Andrew Mitchell where 36 players entered. That winner  was our Seniors Captain Nigel Davies. He carded his 2 on the 5th and wishes it to be known that it was achieved using a 9 iron which pitched just 5cm in front of the hole....well done Nigel.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...