26 November, 2015

Seniors Stableford Pairs both scores to count

A quite warm November day today with the sun coming out on several occasions.
Results as follows:

1.  Tom McGrady and Nigel Davies  78 points. Tom had 40 points and Nigel 38 points.

2. Harold Hughes and Phil Morris  76 points

3. Maelor Davies and Chris Jacques   73 points

4. Malcolm Williams and Tony Harcombe  72 points

24 November, 2015

Seniors individual stableford November 24th 2015

We had some 41 competitors today playing in very damp and cool conditions. Results as follows:

1. Dave Palferman 38 points with 23 points on front 9 - on count back

2. Don Wraight  38 points with 24 points on front 9, He played with his new set of clubs

3.  Steve Monk  37 points

4. Malcolm Williams  36 points  - on count back

5. Bill Kelleher  36 points

6. Nigel (steady) Davies  35 points

7. Reg Taylor  34 points

19 November, 2015

Seniors Yellow Ball November 19th 2015

41 members played a Yellow Ball Competition  in two separate sections -  3 x 3balls and 8 x 4balls.

Winners of the 3-ball were Stewart Leyland, Don Wraight and Dave Palferman with 134 points.

Winners of the 4-ball were Ernie Williams, Maelor Davies, Andrew Mitchell and John Kelty with 157 points;

Runners up were Bill Kelleher, Colin Brown, Malcolm Williams and Reg Taylor with 156 points.

17 November, 2015

Results of Clays Competition winners from presentation night November 14th 2015

Position Competition Member Member
Winner Captains Day Gareth Roberts
Winner Presidents Day  Wyn Jenkins
Winner Clays Past Captains Gareth Roberts
Runner-up Captains Drive in (Men) John Davis
Winner Captains Drive in (Men) Kevin Scaife
Runner-up Captains Drive in (Ladies) Pauline Peacock
Winner Captains Drive in (Ladies) Angela Thomas Williams
Winner Lady's Captains Day Jan Keen
Winner Fan Jones 36 Trophy Jakki Moxon
Winner LADIES ECLECTIC Polly Davis
Winner A HUGHES SALVER Polly Davis 
Runner-up ABER ROSE BOWL Polly Davis
Winner ABER ROSE BOWL Angela Thomas Williams
Winner Powells Jewellers Trophy Pauline Peacock
Runner-up LADIES BETTERBALL Pauline Peacock & Diane Dare
Winner LADIES BETTERBALL Polly Davis & Amy Thomas
Winner HARCOMBE TROPHY best nett Shirley Roberts
Winner LADIES CHALLENGE best gross Lowri Williams
Runner-up MIXED FOURSOMES John Davis & Polly Davis
Winner MIXED FOURSOMES Angela Thomas Williams & Mike Jones
Winner Jubilee Mixed Betterball Paul Williams & Angela Thomas Williams
Runner-up Junior Order of Merit
Winner Junior Order of Merit
Winner Junior Merit Award
Runner-up Junior Summer Stableford
Winner Junior Summer Stableford
Runner-up PAM BROUGH TROPHY (Adult/Junior) &
Winner PAM BROUGH TROPHY (Adult/Junior) Lakis Nuthall & Jack Roycroft
Runner-up SENIOR GEMINI Chris Jacques & Bill Kelleher
Winner SENIOR GEMINI Richie Evans & Mike Turner
Runner-up SENIOR BETTERBALL Malcolm Williams & Eifion Jenkins
Winner SENIOR BETTERBALL Ron Roberts & Andrew Mitchell
Runner-up DJ BOGIE Tom McGrady
Winner DJ BOGIE Frank Rodenhurst
Runner-up Copperwheat Eclectic Award Andrew Mitchell
Winner Copperwheat Eclectic Award Bill Kelleher
Runner-up SENIORS CHAMPIONSHIP - DIV 1 Reg Peacock
Runner-up SENIORS CHAMPIONSHIP - DIV 2 Robert Jarvis
Winner VETS TROPHY Andrew Mitchell
Runner-up SENIOR TROPHY John Davis
Winner SENIOR TROPHY Andrew Mitchell
Runner-up SENIOR CHAMPION (M'Play KO) Paul White
Winner SENIOR CHAMPION (M'Play KO) Frank Rodenhurst
Runner-up FLICK CUP Mike Jones & Paul Williams
Winner FLICK CUP Andy Bartley & Lakis Nuthall
Runner-up GEM TROPHY Ernie Williams & Paul Wallace Jones
Winner GEM TROPHY Gaz Davies & Alex Darlington
Winner ORDER OF MERIT Steve Williams
Runner-up Tom & Kathleen Jones Cup Neil Owen
Winner Tom & Kathleen Jones Cup Gareth Whitely
Runner-up T M DAVIES CUP Mark Williams
Winner T M DAVIES CUP Andy Bartley
Runner-up JCB SHIELD (KO after qualifier) Graham Jones
Winner JCB SHIELD (KO after qualifier) Tom Gledhill
Runner-up NEIL HARDEN Dave Palferman
Winner NEIL HARDEN Iwan Bonds
Runner-up KAREN GRIFFITHS Kev Scaife
Winner KAREN GRIFFITHS Richard Evans
Runner-up ABER SHIELD Neil Gledhill
Winner ABER SHIELD Lakis Nuthall
Runner-up CLAYS CHALLENGE CUP Iwan Bonds
Winner CLAYS CHALLENGE CUP Gareth Roberts
Runner-up SCRATCH CUP Andy Evans
Winner SCRATCH CUP Neil Owen
Runner-up Rowland Cup 1st D/N Vaughan Tissink
Winner Rowland Cup 1st D/N Richard Evans
Runner-up Rowland Cup 2nd D/N Nick Lee/Neil Owen
Winner Rowland Cup 2nd D/N Jack Roycroft
Runner-up ROWLAND CUP best nett Vaughan Tissink
Winner ROWLAND CUP best nett Richard Evans
Winner Club Champ 1st Day D/G Andy Evans
Winner Club Champ 2nd Day D/G Jack Roycroft
Runner-up CLUB CHAMPION best gross Andy Evans
Winner CLUB CHAMPION best gross Neil Owen

Seniors Texas scramble November 17th 2015

Competition was played with teams of 3. Results below:-

1.  Ron Roberts, Peter Fey & Tom McGrady 63

2. Andrew Mitchell, Graham Stokes & Ernie Williams  63.9

3. Stewart Poole, Noel Jones & Ray Jones  66

13 November, 2015

More rules from Fred November 13th 2015

13th November 15.

We are well into the season of preferred lies on the Golf Course. Often heard these days, a member shouting across “are we on Preferred Lies”? A message that should be posted on the notice board at the club is the finite answer. But do we understand what the message means?

First we have “Preferred lies in operation today”
This means that if your ball comes to rest on any close mown area you may (once only) prefer your lie by marking your ball, lifting, cleaning and replacing within 6 inches not nearer the hole. The close mown area is in principle the fairway but may include areas close mown such as a pathway cut from tee to fairway etc.

“Winter Rules apply today” means you may prefer your lie in close mown areas as above and also mark, lift and clean your ball if it is plugged in the rough, then dropped as close to its original position as possible but no nearer the hole.

“Preferred Lies through the green” means as it says through the green is the playing area of the course excluding hazards  tees and greens, you may prefer your lie. Hope this helps.

So to a new question, you may have noticed that for valid reasons, the orientations of some fairway have changed, we now have rough encroaching into the fairway and in front of some bunkers and also the ditches on the 14th and 15th.  A reminder that these areas are not close mown, before going out on the course check which sign is posted to ensure preferring your lie is allowed. Sheriff

Seniors 9 x 2 9 x 3 November 12th 2015 and presentation of cheque to Royal British Legion

The results of today's event was as follows:-

1.  Nigel Davies, Peter Lynch, Graham Stokes & Dave Jones  98 point

2. Ernie Williams, Stan Brookfield, Reg Taylor & Elwyn Jones 97 point

3. Stewart Poole, Roy Jordan, Mike Goring & Barry Dare  95 points

After the winners were announced Colin Brown, Seniors Captain presented a cheque for £300 to Kevin Forbes, Community Fundraiser of the Royal British Legion ( www.britishlegion.org.uk ) This was for monies raised on November 10th 2015 at the Ken Lawrence Memorial Day Poppy Day competition. The photo below shows the presentation which includes on the left John Kelty Clays Poppy Day liaison officer. Centre is Kevin Forbes and Colin Brown and the right.

10 November, 2015

Ken Lawrence Memorial Trophy Poppy Day competition November 10th 2016

A large number of members competed today. The weather was superb with temperatures around 18-19C.
After the event Colin Brown, Seniors Captain introduced Ken Lawrence;s family to the assembled members and asked Ken's widow Shirley to present the various prizes.

With regards to the actual competition itself Colin presented various bottles to 2nd and 3rd places before the winner was presented with the Trophy itself by Shirley,

In first place with a superb score of 42 points was Peter Fraser.
Photos below in reverse order!

Tom McGrady receiving his 3rd place prize

Bill Kelleher receiving 2nd place prize

Peter Fraser receiving his Trophy from Shirley Lawrence accompanied by Colin Brown Seniors Captain

Second place went to Bill Kelleher with 37 points followed in third place by Tom McGrady on 36 points.

Six 2's were carded by Don Wraight, Andy Mitchell, Ralph Hardie, Ernie Williams and Roy Jordan.

A total of some £284 was raised for the Royal British Legion.

Photos and videos taken on the day below:-

It was that time of the year that players had great difficulty finding balls in the leaves!

Below Colin Brown had to chip out left handed from behind the fence on the 13th!

06 November, 2015

More rules from Fred November 6th 2015

6th November 15
We have all been there, a ball pulled or pushed into the tree line. Finding our ball under the trees with a dubious back swing and passing a comment to your colleagues “If it was your ball it would not have ended up in this position”. And so to the point, which is that during this time of the year in particular, a reminder to take more care and attention to avoid improving your stance or lie as I witnessed last week.
Upon taking his stance and addressing his ball a player took his back swing and caught the branches and a shower of leaves fell off the branch, he checked his back-swing. Re addressed the ball and played the ball. It may seem unfair but he had improved his Lie and two penalty shots should be applied by his marker in this situation.
After dislodging the leaves, had the player continued with the stroke, and played the ball then no penalty can be applied. Reference Rule 13

Another player played his 2nd shot on the 15th and pulled the ball left into the tree line; he walked forward and had a brief look in the leaf covered area, then declared he would play a provisional ball and walked back and played a second ball. He then walked forward again, this time leaves had moved in the breeze and his ball was visible. He continued play of the hole with the original ball.

By walking forward to search he was not entitled to return and correctly play a provisional ball, in doing so he played the wrong ball and incurred a two shot penalty. - Sheriff

05 November, 2015

Seniors Winter Medal Stableford November 5th 2015

Senior Winter Medal (Stableford)

Well done Paul and Malcolm

Competition Scratch Score:
67 (38pts) (Men)
69 (38pts) (Ladies)

Division 1
3White, Paul38 pts (18)Division 1 - Winner17.8
4Mitchell, Andrew38 pts (15)Division 1 - Runner-Up15.0
5Taylor, Reg37 pts (15) 14.8
6Jackson, Tony37 pts (14) 13.9
7Davies, Nigel37 pts (13) 12.5
Division 2
1Williams, Malcolm39 pts (20)Division 2 - Winner19.5
2Fraser, Peter39 pts (20)Division 2 - Runner-Up19.5
12Jordan, Roy33 pts (20) 20.3
13Dare, Barry33 pts (25) 24.6
14Stokes, Graham32 pts (25) 25.0

03 November, 2015

Seniors pairs better ball competition November 3rd 2015

On a very damp and cold morning some 46 Seniors competed. Despite the gloomy weather some great scores were carded.

  1. Irwin Elkin and Mike Turner  48 Points
  2. Mike Goring and Barry Evans  47 Points
  3. Steve Beech and Nigel Davies  46 points
  4. Bob Brown and Peter Lynch 45 points
  5. Cliff Evans and John Davis  43 points


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...