13 November, 2015

More rules from Fred November 13th 2015

13th November 15.

We are well into the season of preferred lies on the Golf Course. Often heard these days, a member shouting across “are we on Preferred Lies”? A message that should be posted on the notice board at the club is the finite answer. But do we understand what the message means?

First we have “Preferred lies in operation today”
This means that if your ball comes to rest on any close mown area you may (once only) prefer your lie by marking your ball, lifting, cleaning and replacing within 6 inches not nearer the hole. The close mown area is in principle the fairway but may include areas close mown such as a pathway cut from tee to fairway etc.

“Winter Rules apply today” means you may prefer your lie in close mown areas as above and also mark, lift and clean your ball if it is plugged in the rough, then dropped as close to its original position as possible but no nearer the hole.

“Preferred Lies through the green” means as it says through the green is the playing area of the course excluding hazards  tees and greens, you may prefer your lie. Hope this helps.

So to a new question, you may have noticed that for valid reasons, the orientations of some fairway have changed, we now have rough encroaching into the fairway and in front of some bunkers and also the ditches on the 14th and 15th.  A reminder that these areas are not close mown, before going out on the course check which sign is posted to ensure preferring your lie is allowed. Sheriff

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