25 November, 2010

Senior Committee minutes

Clays Seniors Committee Meeting Minutes November 16th 2010 1. Apologies: No apologies 2. Members present: Bob Brown, Derek Lyon, Cliff Lloyd, Barry Evans, Roy Jones, Don Wraight, Ken Lawrence and Stewart Poole 3. Minutes of last meeting held October 12th 2010: Taken as true and proper record-proposed by Roy Jones and seconded by Bob Brown 4. Matters arising from the minutes: · Medal monies sorted · Future Seniors vs Ladies section in 2011 given by Bob Brown after liaising with Dianne Dare as follows:- March 11th April 20th May 27th July 1st August 3rd September 2nd and October 4th. · Future Away day vs Ladies July 18th 2011 with priority on an away course TBA. · Ken Lawrence prepared to organise future Xmas lunches if no new member takes on this responsibility 5. Seniors AGM December 7th 2010: See item AOB Capped membership 6. Xmas Lunch December 16th 2010: Cliff Lloyd itemised financial aspects as follows · 9 Hole Competition with 9.30am tee times off 1st tee, 14th tee, 5th tee and 10th tee · Prices to include coffee on arrival · Playing Members £14, Playing Visitors £18.50, non-playing visitor £16.50, non-playing invited members £16.50. Wine costs to us £8.50. 4 1st prizes and 4 2nd prizes. All to be sorted by Cliff Lloyd 7. Poppy Day November 11th 2010: Successful day resulted in £270 being raised from 39 playing members and donations despite dreadful weather conditions. Receipt on notice board from Royal British Legion. 8. Inactive handicaps: No further action. Appears now all sorted. 9. Seniors link of Clays Website: Now live but some corrections still to be done. Bob Brown gave thanks to Derek Lyon for arranging this matter. 10. Senior communications via email: Approximately 60% seniors on email. C/F AGM agenda item 11. Medal Monies: Kim Harcombe has finalised this matter and individual members/winners will be credited and be back dated to April 2010 including medal and honour board winners. 12. Treasurers report: £200 received from Council, £200 coffee bill been paid, £619 in account after all payments and including 25 members 2011 Seniors fees 13. Any other business: · Senior membership to be capped at 110. Proposed by Don Wraight and seconded by Bob Brown – agreed en bloc- AGM agenda item and notice for such to be put on notice board. Waiting list to be produced. All seniors to be encouraged to play in Senior events and competitions · News from Council prĂ©cised by Bob Brown Derek Lyon Nov 16th 2010 Seniors Hon. Secretary

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...