11 September, 2024


Seniors - Report number two for the day. Malcolm organised 16 of us to visit Harwarden GC and a splendid day we had. Like us, the greenkeepers started their ground maintenance yesterday and half of the greens had been tyned and sanded but still in reasonable condition. The remaining greens were in very good condition for putting. We recognised a number of the opposition, who were all very helpful with tips around the course and eventually Clays team ran out winners by 6 matches to 2. We experienced a couple of squals early on and the tailenders caught the last of the rain just before coming back to the clubhouse. The 2 course meal was very welcome and catering staff thanked for their service. Apart from the team result a number of players received balls in the sweep. Unfortunately, Harwarden do not recognise 2's on their fifth hole because it is deemed too short (104 yards) but the players who made a two still get a mention - Reg Peacock, Jeff Prestwich and Kev Taylor (both Harwarden). Kev also recorded a two on the second, along with Ian Dyment (both Harwarden) and Paul Wallace-Jones. Those three all received balls. Last but not least, we had the usual raffle draw for wine and lo and behold, both bottles were won by Clays players - Richard Collier and Dave A Jones. Thank you Malcolm and I believe the team sign-up sheet is now on the board for the Wrexham match on the 24th of the month.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...