03 February, 2024


There was no Churchillian speech before the course clearing, but there was a huge thank you from me on behalf of Mark Jones at the end. Mark and the greenstaff were extremely grateful for the work completed across the course. No fewer than 18 seniors arrived at the agreed time, armed with their grass rakes and posed for a picture before the briefing took place. At the outset, Mark listed the areas across the course that required clearing and the troops set off to both sides of the road. The plan was to rake and create piles of sticks and branches that had fallen, following the gales. This worked out perfectly when the greenkeepers followed us up with their brand new trailer, collecting the piles along the way. Apologies to the group on the clubhouse side who missed out on the 10.00am mini-break. Workers on the far side received a chockie bar for energy and a wee dram to warm the cockles. The working clock stopped after two hours and everybody retired back to the clubhouse for a well-deserved coffee and some breakfast baps. I am very grateful to Mr Club Captain, Mick McHugh who was responsible for all photos and also very adept at selfies. Mark asked me to tell everybody that our two hour's work would have taken the greenstaff the best part of a week to complete the same task. I believe everybody was satisfied with what we achieved and what is more, we have left an improvement around the course for the entire membership

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...