28 February, 2024


Captain's Newsletter: February 2024 Captains’ Newsletter February 2024 Since my last newsletter we have played precious little golf due to the continual wet weather, thus a very short report. We did however manage to get a few games played, thankfully the February medal went ahead which was won by Darran Edwards with 32 points, in 2nd place Jack Whitehouse with 31 points and in 3rd place Michael McHugh with 27 points. We are all hoping for better weather so that Mark and his team can get the machinery out cutting again and to get all 18 holes playable as soon as possible. A big thanks to the seniors who volunteer to clear up the debris on the course caused by resent stormy weather. The seniors are continuing to make the best of the bad weather by turning out on Tuesdays and Thursdays in large numbers to take part in some indoor putting competitions on the days where the course is closed organised by Mike Heeley with bacon baps, coffees and a bit of banter afterwords, well done Mike . the golfing season will be getting under way in just over a month’s time so don’t forget to book into as many competitions as you can . Ladies Captain, s Report The Ladies Section in January were fortunate to have been able to play some 9 hole kitty competitions, however this has not been possible due to bad weather in February. Those who were able to play enjoyed the team competitions and the opportunity to get together socially after the round. On the occasions when the course has been closed some members met at the Range for practice. I think it is fair to say that everyone is looking forward to fairer weather and the opportunity to get out and play some golf! In planning for the forthcoming season we have a number of teams entered at a range of ‘Opens’ in the coming months. I would like to remind everyone of our own Club Competitions and to sign up for our Honours Board Competitions, Ping team applications etc. Please refer to the entry forms for the deadline dates. This year Angela Thomas Williams and Jayne Gibson have entered The Daily Mail competition so we wish them luck. We are looking forward to our overnight trip away in late March to play at Nefyn and Abersoch Golf Clubs, which will be a great preseason start for us all! Can I ask that you encourage Lady Golfers from other Clubs to sign up for our reinstated Ladies Open on July 17th. This proved last year to be very successful with lots of very positive comments from all participants. On behalf of the Ladies Section I would like to thank the Seniors Section for the huge effort undertaken by many of them to help clear debris from the course after recent stormy weather, it certainly made a difference on the course and aided Mark and his team to move forward in their maintenance programme. For those of us playing our Texas Scramble that day, despite the added pressure of an audience to keep us focussed, we enjoyed the jovial banter! Thank you. As you know, our Halfway House is now completed and looks fantastic with the dedication in its construction lead by our President Chris Jones and Captain Mick McHugh. We are now in process of acquiring folding tables and stacking chairs to ensure it is ready for use in the pending season. Dates for your diary, Friday March 22nd The Captains’ Last Supper dance, 2 course meal and dancing to a live band The Cheese cutters. Some tickets are still available and can be purchased from Hayley. Saturday March 23rd Club AGM. The agenda for the meeting has been circulated so please try and attend. Sue Falcus (lady captain). And finally from me… Just a few weeks to go before the Captains last supper on 22nd of March so if you have not got your tickets yet please do so asap . The AGM will be held on Saturday afternoon 23rd of March it would be nice to see as many members as possible in attendance. A reminder when we do get out on the course please keep all trollies behind the white lines around the greens, rake bunkers replace divots and repair pitch marks. So until next time enjoy your golf, fingers crossed the weather will get a bit dryer soon Kind Regards, Michael McHugh (Club Captain)

27 February, 2024


Seniors - Our highest turnout in the New Year so far. 38 seniors posted their tallies today for a Pairs Betterball (first of the season). The only rain encountered was a short heavy burst while we were all inside completing the morning's draw. The brollies went up but came down almost immediately and we remained dry throughout. The course is drying still and our greenkeepers are working really hard on both holes 16 and 17 as I am reporting. Today, two groups went out as 3 balls with a middle player getting two bites of the cherry. All came back in good time for refreshment. Cards were reasonable with some countback required and the four prizes were distributed as follows: Pairs Betterball: First: Peter Thomas and Steve Graham - 32 points Second: Reg Peacock and Steve Monk - 31 points Third: Andy Mitchell and Peter Taylor - 29 points (c/b) Fourth: Bob Jarvis and Mick Carnell - 29 points (c/b) Reminder: The postponed St David's Day Trophy is now being held on Thursday 21st March and there will be a kitty comp this coming Thursday instead. Next week - Tuesday - Winter League 5 and Thursday - March Medal. March calendars to follow!

22 February, 2024


I have once again travelled back home across the River Dee at Holt and I swear that the water level has not dropped since 31st October. With the whole of our November and December senior golf being wiped out, we have managed to date, 8 competitions in 2024, including 4 x Winter League. Today somebody mentioned 20 x putting sessions and he was spot on. Today we played our 20th indoor session but at least it was in yet another format. I believe it is the first time in golfing history that any Ryder Cup event, anywhere, has been decided on putting alone. Another first for Clays senior section. 18 members went into the bag and the first out tallies (Captains) were asked to choose team names. Barry Evans led from the front of his team (Geriatrics) and Peter Taylor captained his team (Tigers) and said he would sort his team's handicaps out. The first two circuits involved Pairs Betterball matchplay and league points recorded. It was then a free for all in singles matchplay to round off the competition. The two teams could not have been any closer until, on the very last putt of the day, the entire competition was hanging and won with one shot. The player asked modestly not to be named (initials MH). A fitting end to a keen but sporting competition. Well done to all who took part. Ryder Cup Winning Team: Peter Taylor, Stewart Poole, Stan Roberts, Bob Brown, Richard Collier, Eric Thwaites, Mike Hollings, Ken Tieszen and Mike Healey Reminders: 18 of us retired to meet other members for refreshments and decisions over the calendar. Looking ahead at next week weatherwise, we are not yet out of this depression. Rather than have an on-off situation, the Nearly St David's Day Trophy has been postponed and moved to Thursday 21st March. 2 apologies: - I reported initially that this event is a tally draw which is incorrect. 43 have already signed up and Don takes those names for a pre-draw, which will be posted in advance of the event (hopefully we will have the 16th tee back in play by then). The 2nd apology is those of you who cannot make the renewed date. Kindly take your name off the sheet if you are now unavailable. If the course is open next Thursday, a kitty comp will be inserted.

15 February, 2024


Short and sweet today. 12 of us paired up in the putting for a Betterball competition, which was completed in reverse to the normal indoor set-up. Following three rounds and after a three hole play off, Mick Carnell and Tony Harcombe finished runners up to Malcolm Williams and Stuart Leyland, who took the main prize. With time to kill we proceeded with a Dogleg arrangement and Tom McGrady picked up the spoils there. Last but not least, we finished as per with a long putt competition. There were some early close markers until Mick Carnell dropped a hole-in-one. With all modesty, the very last putt of the morning followed into the hole by none other than your section captain and the prize was split honourably. All retired for refreshments, prize-giving and great banter all round. Some reminders: We are not re-scheduling today's comp., so the medal will not appear in February. Winter League Round 4 - next Tuesday 20th and St David's Day Event on Thursday 29th. This is a tally draw start but you need to sign up on the board for numbers and catering purposes. Don't forget Senior Knockout entry sheets to Don or reception (don't forget to include entry fees). If you are entering, Club Competition Knockout entry sheets need to be returned to Alan Pocklington or reception with fees. If you are interested in mixed comps, the Ping Pairs sheets are also out for entry. Tickets for the Captain's Last Supper (Mick McHugh/Sue Falcus) on Friday 22nd March are currently on sale through Hayley - get them while you can. The club AGM is the day after (Saturday 23rd March) and several club council posts will need filling. We currently require a secretary imminently! Peter Bowen as Handicap Secretary is running for one more year, as is Alan Pocklington as Club Competition Secretary. Both are giving notice in advance of retiring next year, so that if anybody is interested in following on, they might be trained up through 2024. If interested in any of the three above posts, talk to a member of the committee or have yourself proposed and seconded on the nomination sheet in the foyer. Finally - The topic of golf insurance was discussed at Club Council on Tuesday and we were re-assured that the club is covered for a lot generally but it is vitally important that individuals are covered for their own personal liability.

13 February, 2024


Today's competition was a Multiplier and we did what is says on the tin. The two best scores multiplied throughout and there were two outrageous scores of 16 on the very first hole but neither of those teams were in the winner's circle. There were 33 seniors (11 x threeballs) heading out to multiple tees and all arrived back to the clubhouse in good time. We were lucky with the weather, although it did try to rain on a couple of occasions but we mostly stayed dry throughout. There were three prizes in total at the end. Multiplier Results: First: Andy Mitchell, Wynn Jenkins and Bob Jarvis Second: Colin Brown, Ken Tieszen and Ernie Williams Third: Alan Bottomley, Paul Cheetham and Chris Blazdell

08 February, 2024


shortest report ever. 14 members attended this morning but 10 of us were committee members convening for a meeting. Alas the putting competitions are waning and I can't blame anyone for not showing. The snow has not materialised as this report goes out but the rain came in on schedule and is likely to be with us for some time. On that note, the February medal, re-scheduled for next Thursday 15th is now under threat. I believe Don is making the draw but with reservations on the date. Don also asked me to add that any senior knockout entry forms can be left with reception. He has always asked that they go direct to him in the past but with course closures, he would like a back-up for any further entries coming his way. I will keep all informed about competitions or otherwise next week. Mike H Today's result: Report from Stuart Miles - A hardy 5 seniors or those who didn't fancy shopping, or venturing out in the cold turned up for the now all too regular putting competition. Results: 3 circuit Putting - Mick Carnell Longest Putt - Stuart Miles.

06 February, 2024


We've had a wet day (you haven't heard that for a while!) The forecast was originally horrendous for 10.00am and 18 seniors set off in light rain, becoming heavier as they played, however, the horrendous did not really arrive until after they had all finished. That is the good news. The bad news is it has come down in buckets since and the putting green was like a swimming pool before I left. With the water table remaining high and poor forecast for the rest of today and Thursday, we all need to be aware of possible closure - decision by 8.00am on Thursday morning. 6 x threeballs set off for an Individual Stableford, fought their way through the rain and damp conditions and there were still 6 cards on par or above (some with countback). There were 4 prizes today and all kitty comp. money paid out before 1.00pm. Right on cue, Tony Jackson arrived for a "long-drive competition with friends" but he was steered instead, towards the dining area by Mike Turner, just in time to have Happy Birthday sung to him by the troops. I'm sure he won't mind me telling you that he was celebrating his 80th birthday and his daughter Helen made all the arrangements and payment for the seniors to have a breakfast bap in his honour. Naturally his birthday cake was also divided between us and there was a sense of party about the place during his birthday breakfast celebration. All seniors were grateful and applauded Helen in her absence. I have a feeling the long-drive competition didn't materialise! Today's results: Individual Stableford: First: Tom McGrady 31 points Second: Peter Taylor 29 points Third: Graham Bryne 27 points (c/b) Fourth: George Hughes 27 points (c/b) Steve Graham also carded 27 points but missed out on countback

03 February, 2024


There was no Churchillian speech before the course clearing, but there was a huge thank you from me on behalf of Mark Jones at the end. Mark and the greenstaff were extremely grateful for the work completed across the course. No fewer than 18 seniors arrived at the agreed time, armed with their grass rakes and posed for a picture before the briefing took place. At the outset, Mark listed the areas across the course that required clearing and the troops set off to both sides of the road. The plan was to rake and create piles of sticks and branches that had fallen, following the gales. This worked out perfectly when the greenkeepers followed us up with their brand new trailer, collecting the piles along the way. Apologies to the group on the clubhouse side who missed out on the 10.00am mini-break. Workers on the far side received a chockie bar for energy and a wee dram to warm the cockles. The working clock stopped after two hours and everybody retired back to the clubhouse for a well-deserved coffee and some breakfast baps. I am very grateful to Mr Club Captain, Mick McHugh who was responsible for all photos and also very adept at selfies. Mark asked me to tell everybody that our two hour's work would have taken the greenstaff the best part of a week to complete the same task. I believe everybody was satisfied with what we achieved and what is more, we have left an improvement around the course for the entire membership

02 February, 2024


Seniors - a chilly but bright morning, which invited no fewer than 35 members to take part in Round 3 of our Winter League. Comments were passed on the debris clearing from the previous day and despite hole closures and further cutting being required in places, the course is looking to get into shape. Back to the stableford competition - overall, the scoring was better than the first two rounds and the jockeying for positions was tight at the top. There were 7 prizes on offer - read on for results: Winter League - Round 3 Results: First: Wyn Jenkins 30 points (10WL pts) Prize Second: Ernie Williams 29 points (c/b) (9WL pts) Prize Third: Stan Roberts 29 points (c/b) (8WL pts) Prize Fourth: Brian Beaton 27 points (c/b) (7WL pts) Prize Fifth: Mike Healey 27 points (c/b) (6WL pts) Prize Sixth: Peter Taylor 27 points (c/b) (5WL pts) Prize Seventh: Andy Mitchell 26 points (c/b) (4WL pts) Prize Eighth: Mick McHugh 26 points (c/b) (3WL pts) Ninth: Reg Peacock 25 points (2WL pts) Tenth: Alan Barnsdale 24 points (c/b with three others) (1WL pt)


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...