14 November, 2023

Putting Competition November 14th 2023 Report via Mike Healey

Where do I start? I think firstly, by suggesting we need to raise some funds for a putting studio extension. No fewer than 25 senior members arrived this morning with putter in hand and not one golf ball forgotten. We immediately split into two groups for the "Killer" putting as promised. Session 1: All players were allocated with three lives and the groups played continuously (10-15 minutes) around new circuits. If anybody three-putted, not only did they lose a life but had to play the next 2 holes with just one hand (cruel taskmaster!) At the end, all players with their 3 lives in tact became Division 1 and any members who lost 1,2 and 3 lives became Division 2. Session 2: The two divisions then set off on their separate circuits and this time all putts were counted, leading to 3 prizes being allocated to each division. It was tight and both divisions required play-offs but it did not finish there. Session 3: was a long-range putting competition sub-titled Target Golf and it was a step too far for the majority of players. After one practice shot each, followed by a competitive attempt, many fell by the wayside. It was continued until we had a single winner but the troops gladly retired for their coffee and bacon baps. The conviviality could not have been better. Read on for results: Division 1 Winners: First: Tom McGrady Second: Paul Wallace-Jones Third: Tom Pierce Division 2 Winners: First: Pauline Peacock Second: Malcolm Williams Third: Colin Brown Target Putt Winner: Colin Brown I have saved the weather aspect until now. It is highly unlikely that the course will be open on Thursday. We are looking at the possibility of outdoor putting but do not wish to churn up that facility. Mark is looking at the weather and possibility of using the putting green but will not give me a decision until 7.40am on Thursday morning. I will ping immediately but if you are already travelling, it might be an idea to put some golf shoes in the boot. The fall-back for all aspects is the putting studio (Team/League putting) followed by breakfast baps.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...