30 November, 2023

Putting Scramble November 30th 2023. Report from Mike Healey

Putting Scramble - I have to confess that we are now completely at a loss for new ways of putting. I believe we have exhausted all formats possible and would even consider a token prize for a novel idea next time. 16 numbers went into the tally bag, which divided us into pairs. Obviously the format was a little quicker than normal, with couples sharing one ball and taking alternative turns on each hole. We managed to complete no fewer than seven circuits today with all scores being fairy close from first to last. There was no need for putt-offs however and two prizes were awarded at the end. We had a third prize for an individual, long-distance nearest the pin - read on. Putting Scramble Results: First: Tony Vesty and Peter Taylor Second: Barry Evans and Brian Beaton All had a practice on the long-distance putt and Barry Evans was coming closest until a magnificent putt by Billy Spilsted dropped into the cup near the end of the session, thus picking up the remaining prize. Well done all - good fun today.

28 November, 2023

Putting multiplier November 28th 2023. Report from Mike Healey

Seniors - Just for a change, we headed indoors for the putting circuit. Our Tuesday mornings are definitely cursed, in terms of getting on the course and so Round 1 of our Winter League moves on to Thursday this week. For the stalwarts who turned up, 20 in total, we held a putting Multiplier, with pairs being decided on age (oldest with youngest). Four circuits around the studio, in reverse order, became a test and there was a marked difference between first and last results. The top three cards were awarded prizes with an extra consolation prize going to the worst card, on the proviso that the pair put their prize money towards a putting lesson: Multiplier Putting Result: First: Mick Carnell and Billy Spilsted Second: Barry Evans and Richard Collier Third: Bob Brown and Mike Healey

23 November, 2023

Pairs betterball Putting November 23rd 2023. Report via Mike Healey.

- I don't think I have ever written a report quite so early. Once again I will start with admin. We expected the course to be open today but Mark was beaten once again by the inclement weather. Should the course be open next week we are aiming for Round 1 of our Winter League (Individual Stableford) on Tuesday, no matter how many holes are open. If still closed, we will keep pushing it back but the December Medal on the 7th will take priority. Early next week, I will publish and e-mail the December calendar. This is a timely reminder of the Senior AGM, which takes place on Tuesday 5th December after a kitty comp scramble in the morning. The nomination sheet for committee positions has been posted on the board and remains there for further names, should you wish to add to the list. You have already received a copy of the agenda but this will likely be sent out again just prior to the meeting. Today's golf - Pairs Betterball Putting. 23 tallies appeared initially on the board and the draw began. Pairs began to materialise but somebody had misplaced the wrong tally. A certain person wasn't there - well..... we are seniors!! 22 in number was perfect and I add my thanks at this stage, to Steve Graham for coming up with three more ideas for putting comps.We set off for Pairs Betterball on no fewer than four circuits of the track. Holes in one were flying in and the scoring was kept to a minimum on all of the dedicated score sheets. There was an outright winning couple but putt-offs were required for the minor places. The whole morning affair was concluded with a long range nearest the pin competition before ascending up stairs for our regular morning refreshments. There were five prizes in total: Betterball Putting: First: Mick Carnell and Barry Dare Second: Stan Roberts and Mick McHugh Third: Andy Mitchell and Barry Evans Fourth: George Hughes and Malcolm Williams Nearest the Pin: Barry Evans

21 November, 2023

Seniors Golf report November 21st 2023 from Mike Heale

What a fantastic turn-out once again. No fewer than 27 seniors arrived for a mixture of putting and chipping, which included nearest the pin. My thanks, first and foremost, go to Paul Wallace-Jones for arranging for the range balls and overseeing the chipping, plus adjudicating nearest the pin. We were also able to complete the putting competition on the outdoor putting green. The weather was cool all round but it was refreshing to get out and get some fresh air. There were five prizes in total before all retired for breakfast baps. Winners of the putting competition: Nigel Davies and Mick Carnell Winners of Nearest the Pin: Tony Harcombe and Tom McGrady Overall Eclectic Winner: Richard Collier

16 November, 2023

Champion league results November 16th 2023. Report via Mike Healey

Seniors - having travelled across the isthmus between Farndon and Holt this morning, I can see how the Welsh Sea in between is affecting the water table and why our course is closed currently. The forecast is surprisingly not great for next week. We have decided to postpone the Ken Lawrence Trophy until after Xmas (drier weather - better course conditions) and also advised all for flexibility in terms of other competitions.We are aiming to get the November Medal in next Thursday and Round 1 of the Winter League before the end of November so the kitty comp calendar will undoubtedy undergo changes. We are seeing different faces for putting but some might be tiring of the indoor sessions. It has been proposed to add a chipping element to proceedings so next time we meet (course closure) half of the members will be escorted by Paul Wallace-Jones to the driving bays where he will set up chipping and nearest the pin competition, while the other half continue with some form or other with the putting indoors. We will then break and groups will swap over before retiring for prizes and baps upstairs. You may need a couple of short irons extra (distances unknown). Today - the plan was to have teams of 4 vying for the Champion's League Final. Odd numbers didn't work out so we played in pairs for our first rounds of putting, separating into a Champion's Group and a Europa Group. Quite a few members during the course of the morning slotted holes in one, so there is some evidence of improvement. All moved to their respective groups and began the final. There were penalty shoot-outs to decide who qualified but the end results from the two finals were clear cut: Champion's League: Winners: Mick Carnell and Richard Collier Runners Up: Steve Graham and Ken Tieszen Europa League: Winners: Tony Harcombe and Andy Mitchell Runners Up: Bob Brown and Bill Kelleher

14 November, 2023

Putting Competition November 14th 2023 Report via Mike Healey

Where do I start? I think firstly, by suggesting we need to raise some funds for a putting studio extension. No fewer than 25 senior members arrived this morning with putter in hand and not one golf ball forgotten. We immediately split into two groups for the "Killer" putting as promised. Session 1: All players were allocated with three lives and the groups played continuously (10-15 minutes) around new circuits. If anybody three-putted, not only did they lose a life but had to play the next 2 holes with just one hand (cruel taskmaster!) At the end, all players with their 3 lives in tact became Division 1 and any members who lost 1,2 and 3 lives became Division 2. Session 2: The two divisions then set off on their separate circuits and this time all putts were counted, leading to 3 prizes being allocated to each division. It was tight and both divisions required play-offs but it did not finish there. Session 3: was a long-range putting competition sub-titled Target Golf and it was a step too far for the majority of players. After one practice shot each, followed by a competitive attempt, many fell by the wayside. It was continued until we had a single winner but the troops gladly retired for their coffee and bacon baps. The conviviality could not have been better. Read on for results: Division 1 Winners: First: Tom McGrady Second: Paul Wallace-Jones Third: Tom Pierce Division 2 Winners: First: Pauline Peacock Second: Malcolm Williams Third: Colin Brown Target Putt Winner: Colin Brown I have saved the weather aspect until now. It is highly unlikely that the course will be open on Thursday. We are looking at the possibility of outdoor putting but do not wish to churn up that facility. Mark is looking at the weather and possibility of using the putting green but will not give me a decision until 7.40am on Thursday morning. I will ping immediately but if you are already travelling, it might be an idea to put some golf shoes in the boot. The fall-back for all aspects is the putting studio (Team/League putting) followed by breakfast baps.

09 November, 2023

Putting with a difference November 4th 2023. Report from Mike Healey

Great turn out today but what was the difference in "Putting with a difference?" 22 members arrived with their freshly polished putters (only one forgot his golf ball this time!) and all listened intently to instructions. There wasn't a great deal of difference in the course except the middle six holes had to be played with one hand only. That split the men from the boys. What they didn't know was the fact that they were also playing with an unknown partner. The tallies came out and their allotted numbers were added to the pre-draw on the sheet. Competition was fierce as per but the banter flowed and it was interesting to watch styles, especially with one hand. Some placed their non-striking hand in their pockets (casually), some used two hands to line up but struck with one (professionally) and others simply placed their hand behind their back (reverently). All in all, it was a fun morning with the following winners after two play-offs: First: Stewart Poole and Peter Taylor - (62 putts combined) Good to see Pooley back - straight in for the kill! Second: Steve Monk and Mike Healey - (68 putts combined) Third: Mike Hollings and Tom Pierce - (69 putts combined)

07 November, 2023

Seniors putting competition November 7th 2023. Report via Mike Healey

What a very sociable morning the senior group have just had. The course was almost opened this morning by Mark but the inevitable overnight rain caused the damage and we were once again thwarted. It mattered not, there was a contingency plan. 18 seniors arrived for 9.00am and enjoyed a good hour of putting in the indoor studio. Three laps of the small, short course eeked out the hour and it became very competitive indeed, so much so that a play-off was required. A few of the photos... may follow. The ubiquitous £1.00 was thrown into a kitty and the proceeds divided into four prizes. Hayley arrived on cue to make bacon baps with coffee for everyone and those present whiled away yet another convivial hour. Winners of today's putting were: First: Mick Carnell (31 putts) Second: Bob Brown (32 putts) With 33 putts Bill Kelleher, Barry Evans and Peter Taylor faced a play-off for the remaining 2 prizes. Third: Bill Kelleher and Fourth: Barry Evans - Peter Taylor missed out after the second hole play-off.


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...