31 October, 2023

Seniors 2 scores to count. Report from Mike Healey along with other news 0ctober 31st 2023

Seniors - as you all know, I keep a weather eye before competitions and report conditions along with the golf scores. Having listened to the overnight rain at home and further, reading about the hole closures this morning, I did not expect so many members to turn up. No less than 34 seniors threw their tallies into the draw for a Two Scores to Count competition. We had to split into 2 groups of Three- and Fourballs with 2 prizes for the threes and 1 prize for the fourballs. The course was always going to be damp and going was heavy but we persevered. The competition was followed by the Senior Committee's last meeting of the year, preceding our AGM (Reminder - Tuesday 5th December - place in diaries) so I am indebted to Bob Brown for overseeing the incoming cards, scores and distributing the prize money at the end. Please find scores and winners below and read on for more admin/information: Threeballs - Two to Count: First: Mal Williams, Ernie Williams and Mike Healey - 59 points Second: Barry Dare, Graham Wright and Mike Drake - 48 points Fourballs - Two to Count: First: Andy Mitchell, Bill Kelleher, Tony Harcombe and Mick Carnell - 54 points I have mentioned ground conditions above and we are lucky that the course is currently open, with many around us being closed today. The next storm to hit GB is due tomorrow night (Wednesday) with the likelihood of either ground closure or extremely heavy ground as a result. Because of the forecast, we have postponed the November Medal until Thursday 23rd November (2 weeks hence). Should the course be open this Thursday, a kitty comp will be arranged for the numbers that arrive. Next - Thursday 9th November is scheduled to be our Ken Lawrence Memorial Trophy. There will be a tally draw as normal and the competition is an Individual Stableford. The competition is held annually on behalf of the Royal British Legion and all of your entry fees go to the National Poppy Day Appeal. We have set a fee of £5.00 but if you feel generous and would like to give more - feel free. All fees will be collected in reception The AGM is already in your diary (Tuesday 5th December) and it is this time of year that we look to nominate a new committee. The nomination form will be posted this week and you will see familiar names of committee members who are prepared to stand once again in their current role. There will be, however, a number of resignations, so the form will have spaces for new nominations to be voted onto the committee. Conversations have been had with a number of individuals but it is up to those members to find a proposer and seconder if they are interested in contributing to the work of the committee. Xmas Party - In order to finalise all the arrangements for pre-party golf, table plans/seating, food and wine orders, etc. it is imperative (should you wish to be present on Tuesday 12th December) that you sign up for the morning golf (if you wish - not compulsory) and more importantly, give your £15.00 to Steve Monk as soon as possible (with your Annual Subs - £5.00 - if you haven't already done so.)

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...