07 September, 2023

Multiplier September 7th 2023. Report from Mike Healey

Seniors - Hayley will be away next week on holiday and she is leaving the regular food sign up sheets for both Tuesday and Thursday, next to the tally numbers. This will definitely be of benefit to the temporary staff making our lunches, so please sign up if you want food. Multiplier Report - numbers were lower today, probably because of the heat on Tuesday. Those that did turn out were well prepared with hats and water. 25 seniors threw their tallies into the bag, which required separate competitions of both threeball and fourball teams. We experienced a little light rain early doors but the heat and humidity came through eventually, leaving perspiring bodies in the clubhouse at the end. The scoring was good on both sides of our competition - a Multiplier. We ran a ballsweep and Paul Wallace-Jones shot a 2 on the 2nd hole with one of his team partners, Eric Thwaites, getting the next 2 on the 5th hole. This undoubtedly helped them with the team competition. Well done to both and they shared the spoils. After the comparisons of putting through sand, which remains temporarily on the greens, that only left the announcement of two results: Threeball Multiplier: First: Tony Jackson, Mick Carnell and Mike Healey - 110 points Fourball Multiplier: First: Bob Brown, Chris Blazdell, Paul Wallace-Jones and Eric Thwaites - 115 points

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...