10 May, 2023

Kitty Competition abandoned Tuesday May 9th. Report from Mike Healey

Kitty Comp abandoned at 12.00 noon - No golf mentioned in the report as such!! Seniors - 1 or 2 members arrived in shorts anticipating 16/17 degrees as per the forecast. OK there were always going to be intermittent showers mixed in there but we were prepared. 31 entered the draw for a Pairs - Both to Count competition, with one lucky member getting 2 bites of the cherry. Monday night's rain left the course with some detritus in places so "Preferred Lies" were played "Through the Green". We experienced a few drops early doors and an expected, heavier shower around 10.00am, which I believe we all coped with. There were moments when umbrellas and rain gear were coming and going but no worse than a predicted wet day. We reached "High Noon" and could have written a disaster movie on what ensued. The thickest, blackest cloud appeared followed by thunder and lightning. That was our signal to get off the course quickly but in so doing, I believe every senior member on show had a thoroughly good soaking for his troubles. There was a 20 minute torrential downpour, which we all experienced on our return to the clubhouse and stair rods would not be an exaggerated description. Throw in some hail stones for good measure and there was only ever going to be one winner - the weather gods. A number of competitors handed me £1.00 for the comp and they will be refunded asap, due to insufficient cards being returned to continue with the comp. Those cards that did arrive back in the clubhouse were mostly illegible. A good number of players headed straight for their cars, loaded up wet gear and headed on home. Who can blame them? KITTY COMP ABANDONED. Those seniors that remained enjoyed their usual convivial lunches and banter but the deluge had left the course unplayable and it was closed for the rest of the day.

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...