30 May, 2023

Welsh Greensomes qualifier courtesy of Mike Healey May 30th 2023

Today's golf - 18 pairs signed up in advance for the Welsh Greensomes Qualifier. We had a practice last month but this was the real McCoy plus a kitty comp. in tandem. For the princely sum of £5.00 per couple (all going to Welsh Golf) a pre-draw was arranged, shots calculated and everybody turned up on time for their tee slots. The weather gods were once again on our side and lovely warm conditions made it ideal for golf. We never know what scores to expect with the alternate shot format but we had 10 cards between 34 and 40 points, with the remaining 8 cards registering 41 and above. There were 4 prizes on offer today in the kitty comp. and they are being reported in reverse order- Welsh Greensomes Qualifier: Fourth: Alan Barnsdale and Mike Healey - 44 points Third: Peter Taylor and Barry Evans - 45 points Second: Peter Thomas and Ray Griffiths - 47 points First: Dave Fergus and Neville Bassett - 49 points (Dave and Neville will go on further and represent Clays GC in September, when they will contest the National Finals being held at Carmarthen GC on Thursday 7th September). Well done to both of them

25 May, 2023

Unknown pairs competition May 25th 2023. Report from Mike Healey

The weather reports get even shorter. Warm sunny conditions and a smartly cut course made for ideal senior golf this morning. At least 12 seniors were contesting Senior Pairs Knockout rounds, which left 30 members to contest the Unknown Pairs competition. It is not everybody's cup of tea but we are keeping it in the calendar for qualifying purposes and it creates a bit of intrigue and a hearty laugh here and there with the ensuing results. Thanks go to Peter Bowen for entering all of the cards for qualifying purposes. There were a number of good individual cards of note; Dave A Jones carded 41pts, Ken Tieszen 39 pts, Tom McGrady 39pts, Jon Falcus 38pts, Mike Hollings 38pts. Stewart Poole 36pts and Tony Jasckson 36pts but it really depended who the Unknown Partner was! There was a Ballsweep but no 2's recorded, so all monies will be carried over by Peter until the next competition. There were four competition prizes on offer and I am attaching the combined scores sheet for interest (several people asked me!!) Unknown Pairs Result: First: Wyn Jenkins and Tom McGrady 72 points - combined Second: Chris Jacques and Stewart Poole 69 points (c/b) Third: Dave A Jones and Stuart Miles 69 points (c/b) Fourth: Don Wraight and Mike Hollings 67 points.

23 May, 2023

Yellow Ball May 23rd 2023.Results via Mike Healey

Numbers for kitty comps have been down slightly because of commitment to early matches on Tuesdays/Thursdays in the senior knockout competitions. These have been flowing nicely although there are still a number of early matches to be completed. This morning, the sun came out and the course was in great condition for our Yellow Ball - what more could we ask for some good competitive golf?! 34 seniors threw their tallies into the draw and we played 9 x "fourballs" with two groups employing a ghost player. The majority of today's contestants entered the ballsweep but there was only ever going to be one winner - Brian Beaton recorded a two on the 2nd hole and walked away with the takings. There were three prizes on offer for the main event: Yellow Ball Result: First: Peter Taylor, Brian Beaton, Ian Ketland and Tom McGrady - 177 points Second: Steve Monk, Mike Hollings, Mike Healey plus ghost score - 174 points Third: Barry Evans, Bill Kelleher, Ken Tieszen and Jon Falcus - 166 points

18 May, 2023

Waltz and Tango results May 18th 2023. Results via Mike Healey.

Seniors - The thermometer reached a heady 18 degrees at one stage and shorts were prominent throughout. Sunshine, a little cloud and no wind made very pleasant playing conditions. The course is in great nick and the greens true and fast - what more could we ask? I'm afraid the organiser was a little stressed at the outset with numbers and tallies to-ing and fro-ing. 38 members meant two different competitions. 5 fourballs competed for a Tango comp and 6 threeballs challenged for a Waltz. Rather absent - mindedly, the fourballs were sent out first. In the end, it didn't impose that much as everybody kept up with the pace and we all got round in ample time for prizes. Two seniors scored 2's and split the ballsweep between them - Andy Mitchell on the 2nd hole and Jon Falcus on the 5th hole. There were two prizes for both of the individual sections: Waltz Result: First: Peter Taylor, Liam Roddis and Bill Kelleher - 86 points Second: Mike Parks, Peter Fraser and Mick Carnell - 79 points Tango Result: First: Dave Fergus, George Hughes, Les Williams and Stuart Miles - 113 points Second: Brian Beaton, Mike Hollings, Bob Brown and Mike Healey - 110 points

17 May, 2023

Gemini Trophy May 16th 2023. Report from Mike Healey

Another major competition completed in the calendar. Don organised the draw as usual and despite a rather cool wind, the competioin flowed throughout. 18 pairs took part in our annual Seniors Gemini Trophy. For the newcomers in the group, it is arguably the toughest competition of the year. It is a strokeplay competition, with both partners scoring and then adding nett scores together. I believe it is unique amongst local clubs at least! In the ballsweep - no fewer than 5 seniors recorded a 2 - all on the fifth hole. There was a 40 shot range between first and last positions just to show how tough it is, with 8 pairs shooting 146 or below. Well done to all competitors. The top eight pairs are recorded below: Seniors Gemini Trophy Result First: Chris Jacques and Bill Kelleher - 133 Second: Mike Hollings and Dave Palferman - 138 Third: Steve Monk and Mike Drake - 141 (c/b) Fourth: Richard Collier and Malcolm Williams - 141 (c/b) Fifth: Neville Bassettt and Ernie Williams - 142 Sixth: Michael McHugh and Chris Jones - 144 (c/b) Seventh: Peter Taylor and Liam Roddis - 144 (c/b) Eighth: Pauline Peacock and Reg Peacock - 146 Ballsweep Winners: Richard Collier, Mike Drake, Neil Gledhill, Bill Kelleher and Chris Jones - all on the fifth hole

10 May, 2023

Kitty Competition abandoned Tuesday May 9th. Report from Mike Healey

Kitty Comp abandoned at 12.00 noon - No golf mentioned in the report as such!! Seniors - 1 or 2 members arrived in shorts anticipating 16/17 degrees as per the forecast. OK there were always going to be intermittent showers mixed in there but we were prepared. 31 entered the draw for a Pairs - Both to Count competition, with one lucky member getting 2 bites of the cherry. Monday night's rain left the course with some detritus in places so "Preferred Lies" were played "Through the Green". We experienced a few drops early doors and an expected, heavier shower around 10.00am, which I believe we all coped with. There were moments when umbrellas and rain gear were coming and going but no worse than a predicted wet day. We reached "High Noon" and could have written a disaster movie on what ensued. The thickest, blackest cloud appeared followed by thunder and lightning. That was our signal to get off the course quickly but in so doing, I believe every senior member on show had a thoroughly good soaking for his troubles. There was a 20 minute torrential downpour, which we all experienced on our return to the clubhouse and stair rods would not be an exaggerated description. Throw in some hail stones for good measure and there was only ever going to be one winner - the weather gods. A number of competitors handed me £1.00 for the comp and they will be refunded asap, due to insufficient cards being returned to continue with the comp. Those cards that did arrive back in the clubhouse were mostly illegible. A good number of players headed straight for their cars, loaded up wet gear and headed on home. Who can blame them? KITTY COMP ABANDONED. Those seniors that remained enjoyed their usual convivial lunches and banter but the deluge had left the course unplayable and it was closed for the rest of the day.

05 May, 2023

Seniors Medal 4th May 2023

We cannot be far away from a record number of entrants today. 57 put their names up for entry in the May medal and 2 of those were taking part for handicap purposes. The fairways and greens had been cut - the forecast rain did not materialise - we experimented with 3 balls instead of 4 balls and generally, it was agreed that the game flowed in the warm weather. Maybe we have a formula for future comps!? As always, the ballsweep was keenly contested with 4 competitors winning with 2's: David Jones both on the 2nd and 5th, Liam Roddis also on the 5th and Senior Captain, Chris Jacques on the 12th. Well done all. The results read as follows in divisions: Division 1: First: Chris Jacques 70 (c/b) Second: Don Wraight 70 (c/b) Third: Alan Bottomley 73 Division 2: First: Bill Kelleher 65 Second: Barry Dare 68 Third: Graham Bryne 69 Division 3: First: Vic Rogerson 70 Second: Steve Monk 73 (c/b) Third: Ian Ketland 73 (c/b)

02 May, 2023

Texas scramble May 2nd 2023. Results courtesy of Mike Healey

Busy Tuesday!! A myriad of seniors were contesting senior knockout competitions, both singles and pairs. Others signed up early doors for the Abershield knockout Trophy. However, numbers were kept high and 36 members placed their tallies into the draw for a Texas Scramble. Don Wraight and Chris Jacques oversaw the draw and split the group into threeballs, which flowed very well. The weather remained cloudy but warm and although there was some fairway cutting taking place, the course is getting very close to summer/competition condition. There were 3 prizes in total: Texas Scramble: First: Peter Thomas, Graham Wright and Mike Drake (65.6) Second: Ian Ketland, Chris Blazdell and George Hughes (66.4) Third: Don Wraight, Brian Beaton and Dave Jones (66.6)


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...