25 April, 2023

Individual Stableford April 25th 2023. Report from Mike Healey

The sun worshippers were out in force today. No overnight cloud guaranteed a very crisp start to our golf but the sun came out and it was quite pleasurable to play in shirt sleeves. 39 seniors threw their tallies in to play an individual stableford qualifier, with a couple of new faces to the group and a big welcome back to Nigel Davies after his mishap 10 days ago. The competition was initiated by Peter Bowen on ig and the scene was set with the committee going out first, in order to get back for their monthly meeting, following the results. Peter was left having to enter 7/8 cards at the end and we would encourage all to try and get the ig app on their phones as soon as possible. Anything under 35 points was just not good enough today but there were quite a few encouraging improvements compared with last week's medal and previous weeks. Three 2's were registered - all on the 5th hole. Eric Thwaites, Richard Collier and Peter Almond split the winnings from the ballsweep. Read on for stableford result - 7 prizes today. Individual Stableford Qualifier: First: Ken Tieszen - 39 points Second: Sean McCarthy - 38 points Third: Richard Collier - 36 points (c/b) Fourth: Mick Carnell - 36 points (c/b) Fifth: Bill Kelleher - 36 points (c/b) Sixth: Mike Healey - 35 points (c/b) Seventh: Ernie Williams - 35 points (c/b) Tom McGrady and Vic Rogerson also carded 35 points but missed out on countback

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Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...