01 March, 2023

St Davids Day 2023 competition results via Mike Healey

The Met. Office is anticipating a near-record low for rainfall in the month of February and we have been able to complete all of the scheduled calendar events, including the big one today. That said - there was some rain over the course just before play today, leaving the rough a little damp in places, but the fairways held well, play was not affected and some good scores were returned. So what was the competition to attract such numbers? Today we played the first of our majors - the Nearly St. David's Trophy, which naturally carries a Welsh theme throughout! A magnificent Trophy, entered by no fewer than 48 seniors, many sporting daffodils on the day. The troops not only played their golf but all remained for soup and sandwiches, the food being organised by Steve Monk, before the announcement of prizes. To say the afternoon was convivial is underselling the occasion. Roy Jones, Past Captain and still part-time member of the club, was present and as usual, sponsored the first prize to run alongside the Trophy - thank you Roy. There were 10 prizes in total, again brilliantly purchased and organised by Don Wraight, who always maintains the Welsh theme for this occasion. Chris Jacques, Senior Captain made a short speech before the prize-giving and Roy was on hand to present the prizes, which was preceded by the anouncement of the Ballsweep winners. The scores at the top were tight, with a lot of cards returning 35/36 points but on the day, none of them were good enough. Countback was required for all of the top 10 prize winners - read on! Ballsweep Winners: Russ Adamson - (2 on 2nd), Chris Jacques - (2 on 2nd) and Bob Jarvis - (2 on 12th). All three received £10.00 Nearly St. David's Day Trophy Results: First: Alan Barnsdale - 43 points (c/b) Trophy and Welsh Penderyn whisky Second: Mick Carnell - 43 points (c/b) Welsh gin Third: Andy Mitchell - 43 points (c/b) Welsh whisky glass and stones Fourth: Dave Palferman - 39 points (c/b) Welsh Merlyn cream licquer Fifth: Wyn Jenkins - 39 points (c/b) Welsh engraved hip flask Sixth: Richard Collier - 39 points (c/b) Welsh engraved pint glass and 3 Welsh beers Seventh: Ken Tieszen - 39 points (c/b) 12 golf balls and 1 Welsh beer Eighth: Liam Roddis - 38 points (c/b) 9 golf balls and 1 Welsh beer Ninth: Bill Kelleher - 38 points (c/b) Welsh hat, 3 golf balls and 1 Welsh beer Tenth: Chris Jacques - 38 points (c/b) 6 golf ball

1 comment:


Seniors - This report dovetails with Stuart's usual report on today's golf (Winter League Round 6 - Final Round). We have done well ...